chapter 3

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Ariana's pov~
(Will I ever be able to meet him...? I just couldn't sleep I know it was attraction but something is wrong I don't know why do I feel something's going to happen)
"Hey Linda have you filled the form for the job yet...? I'm filling mine so I thought we can apply it together"
"I've already applied to a company and got accepted Ariana I feel soo excited they called me for interview today"

"Omg I'm soo happy for you Linda let's go should I come with you..? Just wait for 5 mins I'll just send my application and get ready"
"Linda this is the second best company in the country I'm soo happy for youuu let's go out today and celebrate if you get selected"
(I really want to see that guy can I meet him again... I just couldn't stop myself from thinking about him,stop Ariana you're not going to get obsessed with him you've to be strong and be successful )

Linda's pov~
"Hey Ariana baby I'll be home at 6pm tonight and then let's go out "(I messaged her )
"Hey love let's meet and bring him too.... "(I sent a text to him)
"Wear this dress Ariana I bought it for you and we've 4 days to enjoy let's goo yayyyy...."
"Omg Linda you got in..??, I knew you are soo talented you did it... I'm sooo happy, let's go and enjoyyy , but where are we going...?"
"We're going to a club and then we'll go to a beach let's goo now"


Lucian's pov~
"Hey Axel our project got selected do you want to go outside tonight..??"(I text him I just hope to meet her again,I don't usually go outside to celebrate but the hope keeps me going )
"Let's go to a club it'll be fun"(he says)
"Pick me at 8pm then "
"Would you like to have a drink Axel I don't want to try it but if you want you can have a drink I don't mind it, and let's go to a beach after this. "
(He wanted to have a drink so I decided to just roam and see others,am i hallucinating I can see her , I went near her and she asked me if I wanted to dance i could smell the alcohol, I couldn't say no , but my little guy had other plans did it just...?shit!!)
"Hey what's your name..?? How many drinks did you have? , who came with you.? Are you alone?"
"Hey mister ask one question how can I even remember what you asked , if you ask soo many questions.?? And also I don't answer strangers"
"You can't answer my questions but can dance with me.??? Weird "

"Sorry she's wasted I'm with her I'll take her home "
"Ohh it's not a problem , take care"
"Take my number mister and we can talk later"(she hands me a piece of paper,did she come prepared to give someone her number , strange)

(I tell Axel to take us on the beach )
"Hey dude are you blushing..??, Did something happen..? "

"Bro no I'm not blushing,why would I blush..?"
"That's what I'm asking you , why would you ask me the same thing...??"

"Okayy, let's leave that topic Axel let's goo to the beach ,well let me drive , you're drunk I guess, I'm not blushing at all..."
"Okay okayy sir , you're not blushing,let's go"
(I can't be dreaming is she here again how does she know where we are going)
"Hey Axel let's go there and get something for the hangover, Axel are you listening to me...? , You've been on phone and I'm talking to myself....?"

"Ohhh yes let's goo,hey look I've taken the hangover juice I'm going to go now,this girl called me I met her at the club, I'll be picking you up tomorrow,byeeee"

"Okay bye man, have a good and a night filled with moans"(I just love to tease him,he looks cute lol..., I bid him a goodbye and sit at the beach for sometime and I feel a hand on my shoulder)

"Hey mister, why are you sitting here alone...? Don't you have someone with you ,can I sit here..?"

"Now who's asking many questions..?,and yes you can sit here"(while I was telling her this , I was just imaging pulling her hand which was on my shoulder and pull her into a tight hug and kiss her )

"Why are you alone mister..? , Where is the other man who was with you "can I kiss you"(she said in a faint voice)"

(she's drunk , and I don't want to take advantage of her,so I ignored it)

"I don't think you like talking to some stranger..? , He went to do some work."
"Okay let's not be strangers anymore, I'm Ariana and what's your name..?"

"I'm Lucian and nice to meet you Ariana ,what a sweet name ,love "

"What did you say...? "
"I said my name is Lucian"
"No, what did you say after that...?"
"I said what a sweet name..., What's a big deal in that...???, Also where's your friend, why did she leave you alone,you're drunk how can she leave you , and did you have a hangover drink..?"
"One question at a time mister..!!"
"Call me Lucian miss , okay where did your friend go..??"
"She got a call from hospital her friend got admitted soo she went there,and I did not want to go with her because of my dress and also because I don't like going to hospitals"
"So how will you goo back to your house..??"
"Well before going she booked a cab for me, you ask many questions mister"
"I told you my name and yet you keep calling me mister ,you're really very drunk I guess, answer me did you take the hangover drink..?"
"I don't answer strangers mister...."(and she was running away from me , I ran towards her and caught her , with those feet how long did she think she would be able to run,and then I felt a small peck on my chest,reallyyy...?)
"Would you like to explain..? You just kissed a stranger love "
"Did you just called me love...??? , I didn't kiss you , you pulled me towards you... Huh...... Stop accusing me mister!!"(she makes different faces while calling me mister , and I want to pull her again and kiss her , but I've to control myself I can't let her take over my mind, but she has already taken over my mind... )

"I didn't pull you I just caught you, also you were running from me what if you fall into water..? Or you get lost here..?? , Also how will you know if the cab is here , you're drunk let me take you home..."
"I don't trust you mister, linda gave my number to the cab driver he will call me , also I won't be coming with you..."
"I'm not taking you anywhere beside your home Ariana, just get into my car and cancel the cab"(before I could even hear her reply, I held her in bridal style and put her inside the car....)
"Hey mister I did not give you permission to pick me up...!! How dare you touch me...?"
"Dare if you call me mister again I won't stop myself from kissing the hell out of you Ariana, I won't look that you're drunk , first give me your address and just shut up and sit here quietly"(well clearly she's drunk she's fearless and plays a song..., What do I do to this girl,she didn't tell me the address yet)
"Tell me the address Ariana"(I could see the tears in her eyes now I feel guilty for bringing her here)
"Why are you crying Ariana..look here I'm sorry my love"
"I don't want to talk to you, you're rude just like them....."

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