chapter 7

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Lucian's pov~
(I'm being pathetic am i..?? , I just can't stop myself from telling her what I feel , what I want to do to her , I just can't control myself , I've been having a control on myself by taking holidays from work , i can take holidays from there but my gang needs their leader to be in good shape , but I'm just  disturbed, I'm disturbed by the thought of losing her to someone )
"Ariana do you really have a boyfriend..???"
"No Lucian "
"Ok, do you like or liked someone other than me ???? "
"No, ewww get lost you ediot"
"I'm pretty sure you like me but why don't you accept it Ariana ?whyyyy? Whyyy just whyyy??? "(I slammed my hand on the steering)
"Then why don't you accept the fact that you like me Lucian ?? , do you really even like me , do you even think of me , do you even know what all I've been through , and what I'm going through???"
"I asked you a question Ariana , also if you're ready to tell me about what's happening to you or whatever happened to you ,I'm all ears , I need you to be comfortable with me , and trust me I won't break your trust , I'll gladly break bones of every other individual who's putting you through problems rather than to break your trust or your heart , "
"I think we should stop this conversation here Lucian , I need some time ,it's very hard to share anything with anyone , even linda doesn't know much about it"
"Okay Ariana take your time , but remember I'm here "
"Okay Lucian meet you soon"
"Why not stay at my place,it's late anyways"
"Did you just agree for staying at my place would you like to have something?? , also no junk food"
"Yes and No,it's fine I want nothing"
"Are you upset ariana??"
"Why would I be ??"
"Because you didn't get to kiss me ??"
(I say things like this just to lit up her mood and I don't know since when did I started becoming to clingy but I love it anyways)
(She was thinking something and didn't talk back to me)
*she kissed me suddenly *
(She started kissing me suddenly I couldn't refuse it ,I couldn't refuse the charm and why will I even refuse her  )
"Let's go inside Ariana"
"Sit down here and tell me what's wrong with you "
"I miss them alot I really miss them alot"(she was shaking and crying uncontrollably)
"Who??? Whom do you miss my darling "
"I miss my parents I miss them alot , I left my house just to get my freedom but I just can't stop myself from thinking what my mom must be doing they were not bad parents but idk I really...... It hurts soo much it really does"
"It's okayy , I know they must be missing you too, do you want to give them a visit ? , I know it's hurting but there's nothing we can do right now in the middle of the night ,let's talk about it Tommorow darling , take this, drink water and calm yourself and tell me everything"(should I just run a background check on her?? , I was going to do it anyways ,she was crying in front of me i wanted to hug her tightly and tell her it's going to be okay , I know how much it hurts when you miss someone ,they're alive but you can't go to them because the don't respect your actions ,or your emotions)
*she told me everything she faced when she was with her parents*

"Do you want to sleep ,sleep on the bed and I'll take the couch "
"No it's fine , thankyou, I'll take my leave , I can't sleep at a strangers house "

"What did you say I'm??"
"I said you're a stranger and I won't sleep here"
"But you said yes when I asked you to stay at my place , and also I'm your boss "
"I wasn't thinking straight that time"
"And now you're thinking straight baby ???"(i started tickling her and she was laughing uncontrollably)
"Yeahhah haaahhahh.....hahahahah......I'm I'll take my leave now ,goshh you're soo irritating"
"Yes I maybe irritating but you're not going to get a cab right now also I'm not dropping you at your place babygirl"
"I'll call Linda then , bye......."
"Dream on babygirl did you forget Linda will be late ???? "
"Dream on stranger she'll be coming as soon as I call her to pick me up "
*she called linda and Linda left a message to her that she's busy and can't pickup *(it kinda made me angry but then I chuckled looking at Arianas face)

"Are you done my love???? , don't worryy I won't throw you out of the house but the deal is gone you'll have to sleep on couch "
"OK , STRANGER,  GO TO HELL "(she went to the kitchen without asking me where my room is, so now I've to wait for her ,to come and it's going to affect my schedule badlyy)
"Ahhhhhhh"(as soon as I heard her , I came running to kitchen and she was freaking cutting an apple)
"Why are you cutting an apple and what happened?????..."
"I cut my hand"
"Not that bruhh Why're you cutting an apple ???"
"Seriously instead of applying some ointment to my hand you're asking me about apple WTH"
"Baby you didn't even notice when I applied le turmeric to your cut did you ???"
*She again didn't speak anything*
"Okay okay don't worry it's fine , tell me Why were you cutting an apple are you hungry ??, I asked you I could've cooked something for you,I'm not soo cruel to let you starve
"It's okay I'm not much hungry I just wanted something sweet to eat "
"Do you want my kiss?? "
"Dude be serious"
"I'm serious DUDE , my lips are sweet you can eat them "
"A smooth one but doesn't work on me BOSS so please move aside I probably will have to sleep without eating anything "
"Do you even know where my room is ??, it's upstairs , first one on the left side "
(I went to her later taking a plate full of apples and pomegranate)
(She took it quietly when I asked her to eat it)
"I know you're feeling low I just wanted your mood to lighten up , don't mind me ,I'll be more busy from Tommorow, so you'll just have to see me in office hours"
"Tommorow we've a important meeting with a client from Singapore soo make sure you're prepared , the documents are kept on your tables left and the other things I'll look into them Tommorow, now sleep "
(She couldn't sleep on the couch , so after a while she just got up and slept on the bed )
"Heyyyyyy BIG MAN get uppppp , you're choking me "
"Ahh let me sleep just 5 more minutes"
"If you sleep for more 5 minutes we'll be late for the meeting"
(Though I was pretending to be asleep to be near her but I panicked and got up)
"You little girl soo naughtyy"
"What , stop ticklingggghaa hahaaahaaa......hha......aaaa"
(I stopped tickling her but she fell of the bed it was soo funny to watch )
"Heyy you mister always causing problems, stop , stoppppp"
(I started running but then she throws a pillow at me which I easily dodge but then comes the consecutive pillow attacks which I couldn't escape ,and she was laughing uncontrollably)
(I ran towards her and hugged her tightly ,she looked at me but I buried my face in her neck)

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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