chapter 6

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Lucian's pov~
(I hug her back, she feels like my safe place, I wish I could just hold her like this forever, I don't know if this is what people call love, but I clearly think that it's just attraction and I should try to stay away from her)
"Ariana , it's been like 10 minutes and you're just hugging me , I can feel my shoulder is wet, stop crying now , I understand life is hard but we can't cry everytime "

"I'm soo sorry Lucian , I'll leave "

"Hey no it's fine do you want to have a talk...? "
"No it's okay , I just cried because no one cared for me like that so, thankyou, I'll take my leave"(I wanted to hold her hand and tell her I'm there but I couldn't, I can't give her hopes, I've been through alot and her too , but I just can't let her goo)

"Hey Ariana wait!!!, Should I drop you...?, Where is your friend Linda, ask her when is she going to leave "

"Linda , can I go back home..??,are you coming with me or Lucian said he'll drop me"

"I'm sorry Ariana , I'm literally sorryy I couldn't do anything for you , but she's just like that , she literally does that to everyone, I'm sorryy baby , I should've told you beforehand, if lucian's dropping you I'll be back late , I'll just talk to her and be back , I'm soo sorry "
(I felt bad for Linda she couldn't do anything as she's new to company but she knew her friend does that to every new employee, she has a good position in company so no one refuses her or talks back )

"It's alright Linda, I'm fine don't worry ,I understand ,okay then I'll leave with Lucian, take care"

"Ariana are you really fine...? , I'm just soo sorry , but you know Sabrina is just like that , she is rich and her dad is some company's CEO, he asked me to let her work in my company for experience , but she's a good human"

"I'm fine Lucian , it happens, but I really don't mind it now , I always loved to sing , but I could never participate in any of the competition as I had to study , so I'm thankful to her to let me sing "

"Do you want to go and have some beer...?, Or do you want to go to a place....?"
"Which place....? , Can we go to a icecream parlour?"

"Ohh... It's a place where I go to when I'm not happy or sure about something, yes there's a ice cream parlour nearby"

"Okay, thankyou soo much for staying"
"Yes it's fine , you don't have to thank me for that."
(We were silent for the whole ride, it was akward )
"Lucian , why is your face not revealed as I said I've read alot about you and your company but they hide your face, why...? "

"I like to stay away from people's attention, they tend to go everywhere and capture your photos , and I totally hate that , I need my private space "
"Yes Ariana, now can I ask you something..?"
"Hey , I was kidding, ask , what do you want to know..?"

"Have you ever had a boyfriend..?"

"Yes ,  I'm still in relationship with him"(I've never been into a relationship, but I just don't want to tell him )

"Can you show me his picture if you don't mind...?,also I'm sorryy for the kisses I gave you"(he says sorry for the kisses , but I know I initiated it.)

"Ohhh we've kissed only once, why kisses....?, And noo I don't want to show his pictures to you "(I know I've kissed him twice, I had the hangover drink, but I've got no guts to accept I've kissed him , or to accept I was with him, I just can't)

"Oohh sorryy ,yes we've kissed only once"(I love him for this , he just accepts something and asks no question)
(What the fuck, what did I just accept..?? Shittt)

"Come Ariana, let's go"

"Why did you bring me here..?, It's a hospital, what will I do here...?"

"Come with me Ariana"

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