MBK2 chapter 1

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Wait *thinks for a minute* I was never gonnnnne..... Or was I?
Bad Kawaii! *hits herself with a newspaper* go sit outside!
(*sighs* I'm sorry, I get weird when It gets past ummm... About 9:00, so my poor family!)
This is a giant author's note! Its cuz I love you guys and could talk forever to you!!!!! x


(Y/N) looked down mournfully at the stone object beneath her. Why did her mother have to go driving so late last night? Some family members said that she was drunk, others that the man who hit her was a maniac. But (Y/N) knew different.
She knew that her dear mother had done it on purpose, she had always wanted to go out with a bang; and all the hurtful things she would hear didn't help either. Deep down in her heart, (Y/N) knew it was suicide...

Kiku closed his door and slumped down on the couch. He had not heard a single thing from (Y/N) and was starting to doubt she ever loved him.
His co-workers told him it was first breakup blues, but him and (Y/N) had never broken up. On the note, it had said that she loved him. And that does not mean "we're breaking up."
Unless it was a codeword that girls used.
Nah, surely (Y/N) would call. Eventually...

(Your P.O.V now)

I flopped onto the bed that I had been using for the past week. It had all been too depressing for me and I'm not a fan of sadness.
Every single day I thought of calling Kiku. I missed him so much, but everyday there was funeral preparations, or visits from family and I haven't had the time.
Wait. I have time now, I'll call him.
I'll call my boyfriend Kiku!

(Now its Kiku's turn, yay!)

I sat up and wandered into the kitchen. I turned on the taps to fill the kettle, while starting up the washing machine to wash my clothes.
It seemed so noisy in here; that if someone was to call me, then I wouldn't be able to hear them....

(Your P.O.V. Again.... )

I dialled his number and put the phone to my ear. As it started ringing, I realised that my heart was pounding and my stomach was fluttering. I has really missed Kiku.
But as two rings turned into three, and six turned into seven. I then realised that he wasn't going to pick up.
I put down the phone in disappointment and walked away...

(Kiku, again! This is confusing!)

As I walked back into the main room, I saw my phone flash. I checked it and saw that my beloved (Y/N) had tried to call me!
I instantly called her back and waited to hear her voice. But after a few rings, she didn't pick up. I put the phone down and drank my coffee sadly.

(Oh for goodness sake!... Its your turn)

I came out of the shower and dried myself. I put on a clean (F/C) top and (J/C) jeans. (*j/c is jean colour*)
I headed back into the bedroom and saw my phone flash. I suddenly smiled as to see that Kiku tried to call me back.
I called him and prayed that he would respond...

(Kiku. Just cant be bothered anymore)

I jerked in shock when my (insert favourite vocaloid song. If not, then just some japanesey- anime song) ringtone started to play.
I instantly picked up, not even bothering to check caller ID as no-one else would call me.
"KIKU!!!!!" I had to remove the phone from my ear due to the loudness.
"H-Hello (Y/N). How have you been?" I asked. Trying to sound as smooth as possible.
"Oh, cut the crap Kiku," she laughed. "I missed you so much!" she wailed in a cute way.
"I missed you so much too! Now prease tell me where you have been." I demanded. I liked the idea of me taking charge.
"Oh yeah! Kinda forgot I didn't tell you! I had a call last week saying that my mother had died in a car accident an that I was needed at the funeral." She explained.
"Oh. I'm so sorry for your loss I had no idea." I apologised. She pauses for a second and I could imagine her looking sad and alone.
"I-It's ok. I'm fine. I just can't wait to see you again!" She exclaimed but I could still hint sadness.
I wanted nothing more then to hold her in my arms and tell her that I loved her and that everything was going to be alright...

(A/N) yoooo. Again.
So um Yeah. This is the start of My Boss Kiku 2 - My Boyfriend Kiku!
And whats this? Kawaii put in a litttle swear word! sowwy, but Kawaii isn't as innocent as you think I am! *laughs awkwardly*
To be honest, (which I always am with you guys) I'm not entirely sure where the story is headed, but I'll see where it takes me and I know it will be great cuz I got great readers helping and supporting me all the way!
Love you all,
KLS xx

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