MBK2 chapter 3

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*°*°* (Y/N) P.O.V *°*°*

I woke up in a bed that wasn't my own. But to be fair I didn't have my own bed, only the bed I slept in at the lodge where I stayed.
I sat up and looked around, slowly recognising the room as Kiku's and then that there was a lump next to me.

I peered closer at the lump to discover that it was Kiku. So me and him had shared a bed last night.
I blushed instantly at the thought and made an effort to get up, when the person next to me started to awaken.
"Good morning my loveable lump."
I greeted cheerfully.
He groaned in response as he sat up and rubbed chis eyes.
His hair was a mess and it wasn't the straight, well-kept hair I was used to. I quite liked it though.
"I like your hair, very sexy." I teased. He glanced at me briefly but then looked back as he threw himself on me.
I giggled in response as I looked up at the worried Kiku, who was hovering above me.
"Well hello there sir, how can I help you?" I giggled again as his face softened.
"I'm glad that you seem to be in higher spirits now, (Y/N). You really scared me last night." My smile faded slightly and turned into a smile of gratitude.
"I am now, thanks Kiku. And sorry for worrying you yesterday."
"That's okay, I'm just thankful that you're happy now." He leant down and kissed me passionately.
I had noticed that Kiku was more comfortable with being physical with me. It made me happy to know that I had caused that.

I got up and made my way into the kitchen. With Kiku following not too far behind.
"Would you like some tea?"
"Yes please." He responded and sat quietly on the sofa.
I hummed softly as I poured tea into two of Kiku's sweet little matching cups.

I set his cup in front of him as I sat next to him and took a sip of my own.
"Since yesterday didn't really go to plan, how about we do some catching up now?" I asked and smiled sweetly. He nodded.
"So, (Y/N)." He began, "how have you been since I last saw you?"
"Uh, well I've been alright. The whole, mother-dying thing hasn't been great on me I'll have to say. How about you?" I laughed awkwardly. His eyes widened a bit.
"O-Of course, sorry that was inconsiderate of me to ask." He blushed slightly, obviously flustered.
"Well, um. I've been good, a little lonely without you here though. But work is still going strong, everyone says they miss you."
He took another sip of his tea.
"Oh I miss everyone! Kiku when do you next have work? Do you think you could take me in to see everyone?" I begged.
"Well.." He began, "I don't know.."
"Oh please? You'll be the best boyfriend ever!" I pleaded, pulling puppy-dog eyes.
"Oh okay then. We can go in tomorrow together and you can see everyone again." I shrieked and glomped him. Thanking him over and over again, not being able to wait till tomorrow to see everyone again...

SO sorry that I haven't updated for ages! But I've literally had no inspiration or ideas!
So this chapter is slightly filler-like.
But I will make up for it next chapter~
I've missed you all!
Read, vote comment and all the rest. It means the world to me no matter what you do~
Love you all,
KLS xx
(Oh how I've missed signing out like that~!)

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