MBK2 Chapter 6

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--(Y/N) POV --
As the car pulled up and we got out I felt a vibration in my back pocket. I pulled out my phone and was surprised to see an unknown number dialling. I swiped to answer.
"Hello..?" I spoke to the caller cautiously.
"Hi! (Y/N)! It's me, Shane!" The gleeful voice exclaimed.
"Shane?! It's been too long! How are you? Why aren't you using your phone?" Shane was my longest friend and we were very close but I hadn't seen them since my mother's funeral.
"Just peachy, as always. And I dropped my phone in the pond so.." They paused "Anyway, Where abouts in town are you, we should meet."
After explaining that I was away from home with my boyfriend we decided to meet at a midway point in a few days time.
I ended the call and finally got inside the apartment I shared with Kiku.
"Who was that?" He called from the kitchen area as I closed the door.
"Oh just an old friend. I'm going to meet them in a few days." I responded, getting comfy on the couch as Kiku made his way over and sat next to me.
I looked at the distance between us he had put on the large, blue couch.
"What is it?" He asked. I stared at him long and hard at him. Shooting daggers with my eyes. His face grew more and more confused so I gave up.
"Why is there such a distance from me?" His face turned into an "oh" expression and he shifted slightly closer. I sighed and pulled him into my lap, laughing as he struggled in my arms.
Eventually we decided on a position that was both comfy and close to each other and we watched a film.
I can't remember which one it was as about five minutes into it I drifted off in a sleep...

... ((Rather) long time skip??) ...

After having a few tedious days of not having much to do, since I didn't work at kiku's work place anymore, it was finally time to meet Shane. I was so excited that I couldn't finish my coffee and got straight in the car to meet them.
As I got to parking the car, I noticed a familiar figure waiting on a bench. They had the usual short, sky blue hair, snake bite piercings and the same baggy hoodie that I got them years ago. I exited the vehicle and strode towards them as their face lit up and they ran towards me, enveloping me into a bear hug.
"Hi, (Y/N)! I've missed your hugs!" I laughed,
"So you've missed my hugs and not me?" They smirked playfully,
"Yeah, sorry but, I've been using you all these years for your body and I have no need for you anymore." We both laughed and made our way into the deeper town.
As we neared a café they suddenly stopped. "Oh!" I gave a puzzling look.
"I've just remembered, I want you to meet my boyfriend! He's in town today too. Let's go!" And they grabbed my hand and pulled me off to god knows where.
Somehow along the way they had managed to convince me to keep my eyes shut and as we neared an entrance to the shopping centre, I felt my journey come to a stop.
"Okay (Y/N), you can open your eyes." I opened them and as the bright light blinded me for a second, the people in front of me came into focus and I saw a familiar face staring back at me. Looking just as surprised as me.

My god..
How long has it been? Five years? Feels like it.
I am so sorry I haven't updated before now but a friend of mine mentioned Wattpad and I suddenly remembered!

Sorry if my writing style has changed for the worst, but I've kinda changed too!
What do you think of Shane? 
Sorry this kinda sucked;
Love you all,
KLS xx

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