MBK2 chapter 5

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I jumped in shock and briskly looked behind me. I appeared to have sat on Ivan, the creepy guy who I never even got to talk to.
"Oh! Sorry Ivan I never even saw you there." I apologised and quickly got up from his lap. He shook his head, "oh no, (Y/N) it's no problem!" He relived me from my embarrassment as I calmed down from my flustered state. "I'm just glad we got to finally talk, after you left I thought we'd never get the chance again." He smiled, the slightly off, childish smile of his.
I smiled back, hoping he'd get that it was in farewell, and set off to find Kiku - or another seat elsewhere.

I spotted another chair and made my way over to it but,
"Hiya again, (Y/N)!" Ivan seemed to have appeared again in front of me.
"H-Hi Ivan," I smiled forcefully and tried to walk on. He frowned sadly, " Where are you going? I was hoping we'd get to talk."
I sighed, hopefully silently. " okay sure, go get another chair and come sit next to me." I gave in,
I got the feeling I didn't want to get on his bad side.
"Oh no," he declined. " another chair won't be necessary, you were quite comfy to have on my lap." He said, smiling. My eye twitched.
"Chair. Now."
He held up his hands in defeat and brought another chair over. This was going to be a long day.

".. and so after you left, I was quite distraught and thought we'd never get to become friends. I became sad, I longed to see you hard at work again. I admired the hardworking expression you always had." He explained.
He told me about how he always wanted to be my friend and thought I was a fascinating person and had potential to be a great friend.
I smiled through the whole thing, at first, it was fake but as he talked more, it became more and more genuine. He seemed like a sweet person with a big heart.

After Kiku's work shift had ended, after most of the others - including Ivan - I bounced over to Kiku. Happy to see someone I knew well.
"Well, did you enjoy seeing everyone today?" He inquired. I nodded hastily.
"Yeah! It was great, and I think I made friends with Ivan." I told him, a little surprised myself.
"Oh, okay. I've never really talked to him other than for work purposes. He seems a little.. Off." He shifted on his feet. I forgot social wasn't his forte.
"Anyway, let's head home!" I sang, skipping over the the car. He chuckled, got into the car and drove off.

~---Kiku's P.O.V--------------------~

As the car slowed to a stop at the traffic lights, I looked over at (Y/N). I smiled. She was looking a lot happier compared to the other day. I just hope it stays this way - although no one can be permanently happy, it's impossible. But for now, her spirits have been lifted and I hope, even if Ivan has to help, I can boost them to a stable level.



OHMYGOSH I am so so so so sorry for the horribly long wait!!
I apologise with all my kawaii little heart! ^.^
I know a while ago I said I wouldn't update due to exams, but even after they finished I didn't update! Argh I apologise but:
A- I had some personal issues to sort out
B- I had horrible writer's block!
I know this is only a short(ish) update but at leAST IT'S SOMETHING TO SATISFY YOur needs!
I love you all so so much and I can't thank you all ENOUGH for the support you've all given this book and the first!
If there's anything I can do in return, just let me know some how!
Anyway this note is really long!
Love you all,
KLS xx

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