My Apologies..

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Hello there, wow it's definitely been a while aha!

I'm not sure about how many people still read this, or even care for an update, but I still want to say the following:

I'm sorry it took this long to confirm this fanfic's fate. For ages, I totally forgot about the orange fanfiction website that sat at the back of my mind. I feel I can no longer call myself a part of the Hetalia fandom, nor do I have the motivation to progress this story.

When I began the sequel to My Boss Kiku; I was already losing the energy that I wrote the first one with. I was also finding myself in a bad place and that was evident through some of the themes within the sequel's chapters.

I do apologise if you're one of the more recent people who have urged me to update this.

If you like, you can send me an angry message in my inbox, or you could just strike up a conversation. I may not be a content creator anymore, but I still enjoy talking to people. Especially on here because everyone is so nice, haha.

So on that note, I bid both you and this story well.


KLS xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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