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Nowadays, Elizabeth found herself worrying about plenty of things. Her husband usually was never home when he said he was, and a lot of the time she had to stay up later than expected to dress his wounds. On top of that, it seemed like her mother was getting lazier and lazier about taking care of little Lillian, who was about to reach the ripe age of eight years old. Eliza was starting to worry that she would just have to take in the little one to ensure her mother didn't kill her from neglect, but hadn't the time to discuss the matter with Mordecai yet.

Elizabeth wasn't proud of her smoking habit, but it seemed to be the only solace she could find in all the chaos. She found herself spending many a night just hanging out at the open window, cigarette in hand, waiting to see the familiar headlights that told her that Mordecai was coming home safely that night. It wasn't as if she had anything else to get done, since the chores usually were completed by 8:30, and if Mordecai wasn't home she would normally eat dinner at 10 o'clock.

Tonight was no exception. The familiar gleam of the headlights finally reached the house, allowing Eliza to snuff out her cigarette and step away from the window, going over to the door to greet him.

The door creaked open, with Mordecai stumbling in and sliding his jacket off, with Eliza taking it and hanging it up as he sat down on his chair.

"I do wish you wouldn't insist on waiting up for me, Elizabeth." He grumbled.
"And I wish you'd arrive at the time you tell me you will."

Elizabeth shook her head slightly as she made her way back to the kitchen, pulling the leftovers from dinner out of the fridge to heat up. One benefit of her husband's....Avant Garde work hours was that it was usually long enough between when she ate and when he came home that she was hungry enough to eat dinner with him. Dinner didn't take too long to reheat, and soon the two were at the table eating away.

Well...it was now or never.


He looked up at her from his plate, with her taking a deep breath before speaking again.

"You understand the circumstances with Lillian, my sister, correct?"
"I do. Why, did something happen?"
"Thankfully not yet. I just....wanted to ask something about it."

His head tilted up and he sort of stared at her, almost as if he knew what she was about to ask.

"If we ever had to...take in Lillian...would you be alright with it?"

In response, he sighed, taking his glasses off and rubbing his nose a bit.

"Elizabeth, if we really had to, I wouldn't be in a position to complain. Besides...we get along well enough, I'm sure I could...act as an......adequate father figure to her."
"You'd be a great father, Mordecai."

Her compliment seemed to surprise him a bit as he put his glasses back on, letting out a small "hm" as he started to eat again.

The Life of a  Stay at Home Wife (LACKADAISY OC FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now