Chapter 2 Make Me Feel Alive

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Well, here's the second chapter! I had a fair number of people read it, so I figured, why not? Somebody's probably dying for another chapter, So do enjoy! 😉
P.S: sorry for the short chapters, unless you like them. Please tell me in the comments what's better!




You decide!
Yato helped you to your feet and smiled. "Here, put these on." He said, offering you (whatever outfit suits your fancy).

You took your robes off, revealing your naked body. Yato didn't seem to be bothered, but Hiyori did. She stared at your bare skin uncomfortably.

After you putt on all the clothing articles, Yato introduced Hiyori. You became rather fond of her.
Around midnight, Hiyori left for home and went to bed.
You and Yato roamed the streets aimlessly.

"So, do you feel tired at all?" Yato asked.

"Well, not really." You replied, stretching your arms.
Yato POV
I watched (y/n) walk silently beside me.
'Why is she so darn cute?' I thought.

I knew she was my regalia, but I thought that I might be forming a crush. I thought about it for a moment. A regalia and a God together? Others would think it's absurd. But, I can't stop it. She was cute as f***. I don't think I want Yukine back for awhile. He never made me feel like (y/n) did. She made me feel alive. Like I wasn't inhuman. I felt normal for once. Well, a special normal. I hope she can stay for awhile..because I don't want that feeling to leave yet.

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