Chapter 7 You Said It In Your Sleep

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"Nya?" You murmured in confusion, awoken by a single drop of rain that leaked from the ceiling. You looked down to see a sleeping Yato holding you tight around the waist.

You poked his face and whisper-yelled, "Yatoooooooo! Wake uuuuuuuup!"

Yato stirred slightly in his sleep and murmured, "(Y-Y/N)...."

Just as you thought he was waking up, you soon realized that he was dreaming....about you.

"(Y/NNNNNN)..." Yato mumbled again. This time, however, he followed with the three words you thought you'd never hear out of him. Awake or asleep.


Your cheeks tinted a deep, deep red. ' way.' You thought, your heart beating out of your chest.

"P-Please don'" Yato began to squirm slightly. The dream was slowly becoming a nightmare.

You did the only thing you knew to do. You kissed his head.

Once you did this, Yato's squirming ceased immediately. He was peaceful for a few moments, then his eyes fluttered open.


You blushed and murmured, "You said your sleep..."

"What?" Yato cocked his head in confusion.

"You said it...."I Love You"."
///////////////////////////////////Maaaaan! It's been awhile!! SMELL THAT WIFI!!😆
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, even if it was a bit short. Thanks a bunch for reading! Peace!

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