Chapter 10 It's All Your Fault

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"What are you doing here?!" Yato growled at the blonde boy.

"Who is he, Yato?" You asked in confusion.

"My old regalia." Yato replied, still glaring at Yukine.

Yukine pulled a knife from behind his back. "I always thought you'd get a new regalia for a little while, but I didn't know you'd completely replace me!"
Yukine yelled in rage.

Yato pushed your body back as Yukine swung at you with the knife. Now you were truly frightened.

Yato faced Yukine and Yukine lunged at him. With a yell, Yukine cut Yato's arm open.

"What the hell does she have that I don't?!" Yukine yelled angrily.

"She actually cares about me unlike you! She didn't wander off with Hiyori!!" (A/N: So sorry Yukine fans. 😆)
Now Yukine was really angry. He threw the knife and it hit you in the chest. You screeched and fell to the ground.

Yato looked shocked and knocked Yukine out before going to check on you.

When Yato crouched down beside you, he saw that you were losing blood fast. Yukine had punctured a hole into one of your lungs. You were coughing up blood and it was pouring out of your chest.

Tears streamed down Yato's face and he held your hand. Knowing you were slipping away fast, he said the only thing he could, "I love much."

You meekly smiled and with the last of your strength, kissed his lips. "I never doubted it."

Yato cried harder and held you close as your eyes clouded over. He knew you were gone and it was all...his...fault.

A New Regalia (YatoxReader)Where stories live. Discover now