Chapter 3 Are You Ready?

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You and Yato walked along the quiet streets, passing by people who seemed not to notice you.

It was an ok evening until it became quiet...too quiet.

Suddenly, there was a roar from the other side of a building. Your head shot up like a bullet along with Yato's.

'Phantoms' (A/N: I haven't watched Noragami in a while so if that's incorrect, please let me know in the comments so I can fix it. Thanks! 😅)
Yato thought, warily, knowing not what to do with a new regalia. He didn't know your strengths or weaknesses yet.

"(Y/N)! Quick! There's phantoms near. I need you to help!"

You nodded and readied yourself to be shifted into your weapon form.

"Seki" (A/N: Can't think of anything else so we'll just use Yukine's, ok? Ok.)
Yato said, morphing you into a long, sharp blade.

Yato dashed around the building with you in hand and once he got on the roof, the two of you saw a large, horrifying phantom. It was starting to tear down the building you stood on. It was now or never. If you two didn't Attack now, you'd be dead in a crumbling landslide of concrete and brick.

"Are you ready, (Y/N)?" Yato asked, ready to jump into action.

You stared down at the terrifying beast. It's gruesome, fanged mouth and that one, cold eye. You knew your answer to his question now.

Wow guys. Really sorry this chapter is so late. I pushed it to the back of my priorities, but when I saw how excited you guys were, I knew it was time for more. So, I hope you enjoyed, and tell me in the comments what story you want updated next! Peace!

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