Chapter 54 - Mainland cousins

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Dad convinced me to sleep at home last night after a nurse from the evening/night shift with the hots for him told him I had not been sleeping. He took my spot with Blaze, and I went home with nonno and my brothers. Once home, my abuela gave me something to help me sleep, and I snoozed the whole night peacefully. I only woke up because of the stupid doorbell and the commotion that ensued afterward.

I walked down the stairs clumsily, drunk in a sleepy haze, until I reached the last flight of stairs and saw a bastard I swore to kill if I ever landed eyes on him again.

My brothers and nonno better hope they get out of my way in time, and whoever the others are as well, otherwise they're going down too!

Renewed with hate, I took balance and jumped from the stairs landing as close to him as I could, and tackled the motherfucker to the ground, receiving him with a strong right hock.

"Sage! What are you doing!?"

"Let go of me, you crazy!" The boy struggled underneath me, but nothing could make me let go of this piece of shit.

I have a piece of metal welded to my shoulder blade's bone, courtesy of Vinico's crazy scientist and auto-proclaimed surgeon because this stupid kid shot me in the shoulder! And it hurt like hell! Both things!

"I swore to fucking kill you if I ever laid eyes on you again!" I screamed in between hits.

"Jesus, Antonio, is this one of the chicks you bedded?" A disgusting carbon copy of the boy asked loudly while laughing. He made my stomach twist in disgust.

"Not that I think-" "EEEEWWWW!" I yelled in his face and squeezed his neck tightly, watching him change colors while my brothers and the other guests tried to separate me from the choking dude. His father included, now that he saw me literally squeeze the life out of his son.

"That's disgusting!" My brothers yelled angrily, and Vin pried my hands off the boy's neck while Diesel lifted me off him.

"Sage, why-" Nonno started saying in between all the confusion of so many men talking one over the other.

"È lei!? (Is that her!?)" A woman with black hair suddenly screeched and stepped from behind some men she pulled apart. "Lei è così carina! (She is so cute!)" The woman screamed again, seeming happy, and rushed forward to touch my face and hair. Before I could attack the sticky woman (because only kids behave like this, grabbing everything upon the first encounter), Diesel turned his back to her and put me on the ground behind him.

"Why did you do that, Diesel?"

"Lucinda, calm down. The girl might not like that."

"Why did she attack Antonio?" One of the twenty-something-looking guys asked.

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that. I'm just so excited to meet her. And where's the baby?" Hell no! No one is touching my baby, you crazy woman!

"No one is touching my baby, and that shit isn't going to live past today!" I yelled, sidestepping Diesel, scolding the woman, and finishing my rant by pointing at the object of my rage.

And yes, object, because that thing does not deserve the title of being. He is too stupid to be a human being.

The five newly arrived men, plus the crazy woman, my brothers, and nonno all stood silent in the entrance hall, gazing at me. Only abuela had the balls to sigh in annoyance and speak up.

"Sage, don't be rude." Abuela scolded me soft-heartedly. "You cannot kill your cousin." She rolled her eyes and patted my head as if she understood my 'pain'.

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