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I get home and meet Morgan passed out on the sofa in the living room, with the TV on. I turn it off and walk over to the sofa and seat on the it.

"FIRRRRRRRRE!" I yell and she shoots up.

"Where!" she says  panicking.

"Well i'm sure theres a fire somwhere but not here" I say smirking at her.

"Dani, thats not funny." she says giving me her crazy eyes.

I bring out my phone open the camera app  "say cheese" I say and take her picture.

"Awww must be so frustrating when you're sleeping and someone forces you to get up" I  say in a pouty voice. 

I turn around to walk away but before i had the chance to take a step i get yanked by my bun to the ground, and before i know im being slapped in the face.

"DONT YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH!" Morgan says, she still has her crazy eyes on but this time her eyes are dark, real dark.

I get up and tower myself over her, not that its ever worked. She might be 5 foot physically but this crazy bitch is 7 foot in spirit and attitude.

I grab my bag, run to my room and lock it. I know i crossed a line but Morgan has never hit me before, this was a new low for her and i dont know how to feel about it. 


I take a shower, come out of the tub and walk to my room, as i walk into the door frame i meet Morgan sitting on my bed with her head down. She rasises her head as I walk in. 

"Are you here for K.O round 2?" I say as I walk to my dresser and to bring out some fresh PJs.

"Baby.......I'm sorry" she says as her voice breaks

I take a look at her face and realise shes been crying,

"I was so tired, I had just got back from a cover shift I picked up after you went to school and just wanted some proper rest, aaaannnnnndddd when you screamed...." she muffles 

"....I thought my worst nightmare was coming true, I am so sorry" she says now fully in tears.

"Its okay, i'm sorry for the prank, it was a bit too expensive." I say trying to reassure her.

"So, h-how was your first day, tell me about it" she says sniffling and trying to make room for herself on my bed. 

How do I tell my older sister who just physically assaulted me and is totally having a mental breakdown that I spent most of my day with my ex-boyfriend's cousin who's probably gonna become my best-friend's boyfriend, all while avoiding my ex-boyfriend who was always somehow less than 2 ft away from me.

"You there?" she asks, I look up at her and  smile. She looks so tired and miserable.

 "You should go to bed Morgan." I say and I see the sadness in her physical demeanor.


"I'll be awake when you get up, then i'll tell you about my day." I say to her 

"You shouldnt be awake too late" she says as she walks to her room.

I shut my door and lock it.

I get on top of my bed, turn on my fan and set my alarm to get up to study. I set my phone on my bedside table and as I am about to shut my eyes my phone pings.

what is it now

I grab it and is taken aback to see a text from "BABY"

Joaquin texted me.

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