chapter 3

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after the breakfast with fletcher, nadia realized she didn't have any other food for meals. thus, a trip to the gen-mart was in order.

plus, nadia was slightly excited to see gordon again- okay, really excited (but she would never admit that).

when she entered the store, she got her groceries first before she went to look for gordon, though it occurred to her he could've been literally anywhere. he was a custodian, after all.

after debating with herself on whether she wanted to purposely create a mess to bring him out, nadia decided to just check out her items and stop being weird. she would just have to see him another time.

as she entered the first line that looked short enough, she pulled out her phone and found a game to play as she waited. before she knew it, it was her turn to check out. she begins placing things on the conveyor belt when a person behind her leans in to her ear to speak.

"were you looking for me?"

nadia jumped out of her skin at the proximity, turning to find gordon grinning hard.

"what? no, I wasn't."

gordon snorted, rolling his eyes a bit. "that's not what it looked like to me." nadia glared at him, turning back to her cart. "if that's what it looked like to you, why didn't you speak?"

"it was funny watching you."

with everything in her cart being scanned and put into bags, nadia crosses her arms as she squints at gordon.

"you're unbelievable."

"and you thought it was a good idea to team up with him at my expense."

at that, nadia finally looks at the cashier, noticing eric was checking her out again.

"oh, hey, eric! listen, it's fun until he turns on me! other times can be accepted." eric feigned offense, chuckling.

"I see how it is."

"survival of the fittest is what it is."

"you know, I wonder how you only just showed up here and already aligned yourself with gordon's foolishness."

gordon, thriving in the chaos, only laughed.

"she wants to be on the side where we have fun."

at that, eric scoffed.

"don't talk to me, I'm still mad at you for drinking my juice." gordon rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "you share your drinks with me all the time, why is this time different?" to that, eric only responded with a "hmph." gordon scoffed, but still reached for eric's hand, his eyes turning pleading.

"please, forgive me for taking your juice and drinking it without your permission. I'll buy you another one." finally, eric's play frown quickly turned around and he smiled softly at gordon, once again leaving nadia to watch as she waited to pay. she cleared her throat, breaking the eye contact being held between the two men.

eric, snapping out of the moment, looked to his screen to tell nadia her total. as she reached for her wallet, she caught a glimpse of them still smiling at each other out of the corner of her eye.

"we should hangout sometime, outside the store. you know, if you've got room for one more." gordon chuckled at her teasing, looking to eric questioningly. "I don't mind, what about you?" eric shrugged.

"cool with me."

gordon turned back to nadia then. "let me get your phone number and I'll text you."

after exchanging numbers with gordon, nadia packed up her bags and headed to her car to unload then head home. as she pulled up, she noticed fletchers car parked next to her spot, who appeared to be listening to music inside.

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