chapter 4

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after her conversation with robbie, nadia's only thought was going home, much to the chagrin and confusion of fletcher.

she told him she suddenly wasn't feeling well, and just needed to rest (in her own bed) when he mentioned he could take care of her. she hated lying to him, but she definitely couldn't tell him the truth. at least, not now, anyway.

or ever.

was she really going to keep robbie's secret? she definitely didn't believe in cheating by any means, but wouldn't it be enabling his actions to some degree if she knows it's happening and doesn't say anything? if she doesn't try to stop it?

but, then again, she doesn't know layla like that, so she doesn't necessarily owe her that knowledge...

she couldn't believe it. is she really doing this?

nadia groaned in frustration, leaning back in her bed as she placed her head in her hands. suddenly, she got an idea and before she could even decide against it, her feet were taking her out of her apartment, a box in her hands.

standing right outside her front door, nadia stopped when she realized she didn't know where she was going. pulling out her phone, she scrolled down her very sparse contact list before she found what she was looking for.

as the phone rang, she practiced the words she would ask, trying to settle her anxiety.


"hi, sasha, it's nadia, which you probably knew because you answered- anyway! um, so I have a huge favor to ask, and I understand if you can't help-"

"nadia, what do you need?" judging by the tone of voice, sasha seemed slightly amused by her rambling, but helped her get straight to the point.

"I was wondering if you could tell me which apartment, uh, bree lived in? the redhead? I don't know her last name, but i'm sure you do- it's totally okay if it's, like, a security issue or something and you can't tell me, I was just looking for her and I realized she never gave me her number or told me-"

"any particular reason you need it?" sasha interrupted, putting a stop to nadias diarrhea of the mouth, for which she was grateful. she hated how she didn't seem able to stop talking once she got started, and it always happened when she was nervous. she didn't even understand why she was so nervous, either. "she said she wanted to be friends, so I was going to take her up on her offer."

"she's on the third floor, 3c is her place." nadia almost missed the shuffling of papers in the background, assuming sasha went ahead and checked her records. "right as you open the door from the stairs, it'll be across from you."

nadia nodded as if she could be seen, then spoke. "thanks so much. you have a good one."

"you too."

as she stuffed her phone in her pocket, nadia began the ascent to the third floor, cursing the broken elevator once again.

standing in front of the door with 3c beside it, nadia only stared. as she already left the house, called the landlord, and climbed the stairs it was too late to turn around and yet, her fist still hovered over the door in hesitation.

taking a deep breath, she rapped her knuckles lightly, sucking her teeth before putting more force behind her second knock.

fighting the urge to run away, nadia placed a smile on her face when she was greeted by bree's surprised expression. her wavy hair looked a little damp, so she assumed she caught her as she just got out the shower. "hey! what are you doing here?"

"you said we could have cocoa chats, I wanted to take you up on that offer. if that's okay?"

brees expression shifted from confusion to joy in a second, a grin spreading across her face. "of course! come in!"

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