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Ben stood outside of Tuckers' apartment door and took a deep breath.

"Are you nervous." Miranda questioned.

"No, I'm not nervous. I'm trying to get my thoughts together because I just want this to go right." Be whispered.

"It's ok, Ben Warren, and May the force be with you."

"You and the StarWars." He chuckled before knocking on the door.

Ben looked at the door opening, and a brown skinned man stood.

"Hi. I'm Dr. Benjamin Warren, Miranda's boyfriend." Ben greeted.

"Miranda's boyfriend... my wife Miranda." Tucker asked, confused.

"He's going to be an asswhole." Miranda stated, already getting irritated. "He's trying to make it seem like you were messing with a married woman. Tell him you know about us divorcing." She insisted.

"Your almost ex-wife Miranda, yes." Ben said firmly and watched Tucker roll his eyes."Is this a bad time?"

"Uh no, I was just in the middle of cooking dinner."

"Do you mind if I come in?"

"Sure, come in."

Ben walked in and towards the dining room table. Taking a seat, he let Tucker stand a few feet from him.

"I like what he's done with place." Miranda said sarcastically, walking around their old apartment.

"How long were you and my wif-- Miranda dating?"

"We have been dating for 8 months."

"Now it makes sense to where all those flowers came from."

"Oh yeah, that was me."

"They're her favorite. "Roses.""

"I know." He replied with a small smile.

"How did you two meet?"

"We met in California while she was visiting Addison, and she also had to do a surgery as well."

Tucker nodded and looked over at Ben. "So why are you here?"

"I wasn't aware of the accident or that any of this happened. We spoke that morning and got into an argument. Miranda was angry, but I thought it was just her normal anger. I thought she was just ignoring me, but when it went on longer than necessary, I started calling after receiving no answers. I thought that was her way of breaking up with me. She had already previously explained that she had only ever been in a relationship with you and that she didn't know what she was doing, but she knew that she loved me.

I came out here to see her and to ask her to try us again because I'm in love with her still and the three months break was enough to know that I didn't want to be without. I got to her apartment, and someone else was living there. Then I went to the hospital and well you know the rest. She was never breaking up with me. She was in a coma."

"Anyway, I've said all of that to say or to ask if you would just give her more time? I know it's selfish to ask because you've had three months to process this, and Tuck has been without his mother for three months. I know that you don't know me, and our relationship would not and does not matter to you, but please don't pull the plug yet. I know it is in her will and that it is what she would have wanted because she told me, but she is going to pull through this thing. I just know it. I have never met a more stronger person than Miranda Bailey."

"I don't want to pull the plug." Tucker said sadly, and Ben could see that his eyes were watering.

"I wish this would have never happened all of it."

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