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"Did you leave the door like that?" Miranda asked, looking at the cracked door.

"No. I locked it when we left. It's open. You think someone's inside?"

"Go in and see."

"No, you go in and see. They can't harm what they can't see."

"Some man you are." Miranda argued.

"I'll go, but if I get shot or something, you can't even help me. Guess we both will be spirits." He shrugged, getting ready to walk to the door.

"Fine... I'll stick my head through the door." She rolled her eyes.

Ben watched as Miranda bent over and stuck her head through. He bit his lip at the site of her round backside and thick thighs.

"There's about 30 people inside. There's birthday decorations and a cake." Miranda called back to him. "Wait, Benjamin Warren, is today your birthday?" She asked, shocked, pulling her head back out.

"Yes." He said sheepishly.

"Oh my goodness. Why wouldn't you tell me that?" She swatted through his arm.

"It isn't important."

"It is important. It's the day you were born."

"I don't want to celebrate. I'm tempted not to even walk through that door and just go to the bar."

"Don't do that. Someone took their time to plan this.

"Most likely my brother and James."

"Benjamin, you get to celebrate another year of life. You should want to celebrate that. I know I would be jumping at the chance to celebrate if I could."

"You're laying it on thick Miranda."

"I know. So go inside and enjoy yourself. Plus there's a table with cards and gift bags."

"Alright, alright." Ben surrendered.

"I'm going to go inside. Fix your face and act surprised."

"I got this."

Miranda walked inside and found her a place near the corner of the room. She watched as Ben grabbed the door nob, and his brother and friend started speaking.

"Everybody! Get into position. He's coming!" Curt told everyone in a hushed whisper.

The door flung open, and Ben walked in.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled.

There was a chorus of "Happy Birthday's and smiling faces.

Ben pretended to look shock by putting his hand to his chest. He glanced around the room at his family and friends. He was glad he paid attention to what he was wearing this morning, putting on a navy blue polo shirt and dark blue jeans.

"Wow! Thank you." He said to his brother, who was standing in the center.

"You welcome, bro. James helped."

"I sure did." He chuckled.

"You guys shouldn't have, really."

"It's not every day you turn 32."

"Exactly normal people just do 30 and 40."

"Well, I wanted to do this for you."

"Thanks, though, seriously." He said before hugging Curt.

Ben  looked over to where Miranda was standing and gave her a small smile before making his rounds to thank everyone for coming.

The music was then cut up, drinks were being poured, and food was being eaten. He talked to his dad for a little bit because he knew his dad didn't stay out late and would be leaving soon.

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