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Trigger warning:
Contains graphic depictions of violence, drugs, and sexual assault.

Context: In this book Taylor Swift and Joe have a teenage daughter who also has an infant son named August.

Ivy Swift-Alwyn's Point of View
I'm getting bored out of my mind. I know I signed up for this whole parenting thing but ever since Willow was born, I've had to stop relying on them. August doesn't have a father and I have no one to watch him anymore. I just need to leave the house for one night. August is asleep in his small bed and I walk out of his bedroom where Taylor is sprawled on the couch, snoring which makes me giggle. A FaceTime starts to come in from Liz and I pick it up. When I open it, all four sisters are on the other end.

"Hi, Ivy!" They all shout out.

"My mom is asleep so let me go somewhere else real quick." Before I go back into my room I point the camera at my mom and all five of us snicker. I then head to my room and sit on mg bed.

"Okay, what's up?" I ask them.

"So, apparently, there's going to be a Halloween party at Ryan Clark's house. His parents are out of town. We are all going. You have to come!" Ava explains.

"I-I don't know guys. I have August and I'm a mom. I'm not really supposed to be doing the partying thing anymore." I'm not an average high schooler. My priorities tend to fall differently.

"Come on! Let loose! We haven't seen you in forever!" Sophia pouts.

"Maybe. I have been losing my mind around here lately. I'll need to find someone to watch August. There's no way in hell my parents can do it."

"Maybe Andrea would be willing to help? You said she was visiting." Eleanor adds.

"Text me the information. I'll be there as long as I can get someone to watch August." I need to get out of this fucking house. I am losing my MIND.

"YAY!" They all yell.

"I'm gonna go talk to my grandma. I'll be right back." I hang up the phone and look for Andrea. I end up finding her in Willow's nursery.

"Hey, Grandma." I grab her attention without disturbing Willow.

"Hi, Ivy." She replies.

"I have a proposal for you."

"What's that?"

"You get the honor of watching your great-grandson while I go out with my friends tonight." She laughs a bit and starts to leave Willow's nursery.

"Are you getting to that place where you're losing your mind?"

"Yes. Yes, I am. Please help me." I plead.

"I'm sure the three of us can watch August and Willow. Go have fun tonight."

"Yes! Thank you!" I give her a quick hug and send a text to my friends.

The party is on.

•                           •                               •

All five of us begin to walk into a house where there's clearly a party going on. I'm wearing a red crop top with the back tied together so a large portion of my back is exposed. I'm also wearing a black jean skirt, pulled up relatively high with some styled black books. You can hear music blasting, there are people on the front porch, and when we walked in there was nothing but snacks to eat. When I look around I see alcohol, teenagers kissing on the couch, and a group of people vaping.

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