Tin Roof Rusted [FOOL'S GOLD]

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Once again for Fool's Gold. I write extraordinarily out of order oops. After her bender Joe finds her passed out outside their apartment. (That I didn't write)

She refuses rehab and goes through withdrawal again. Her symptoms are subsiding. They have a chapter where they talk about what happened and he forgives her. (That I didn't write either lol)

Long story short she goes home but by this chapter her symptoms of withdrawal have subsided and her and Joe made up.

Trigger warning: mentions of drug use and relapse.

Taylor Swift's Point of View
It's been eight days and I still feel like absolute shit and I have no idea why. All symptoms have subsided except I keep vomiting. It's been so severe that I can't keep anything down and I'm starting to become dehydrated. It's gotten to a point where I look at food and I vomit. The last couple days it has gotten worse to where I can barely walk. I'm laying in bed, watching tv, trying to not feel like absolute crap but I'm still going to. The nausea is absolutely destroying me from the inside out. I notice Joe walk in and he sits on the edge of the bed by me. He sets down a plate of pancakes by my nightstand, exchanging last nights food which I didn't eat. I haven't been eating because all I do is throw up but Joe still makes me a meal and sets it next to me.

"How are you feeling this morning?" He asks rubbing my thigh softly.

"Awful. Its not even noon and I've already thrown up five times and I'm so exhausted. I should be feeling better, not worse." I complain even though I did this to myself.

"I'm sorry, hun. This withdrawal is just really taking its toll this time. How can I help you?"

"Can you just help me out of bed? I'm a bit light headed and tired but I really have to pee." I sigh which makes Joe laugh.

"Sure." Joe grabs my hand and helps me out of bed. When I stand up, my vision becomes very blurred and my ears start to ring. I try to take a step but my equilibrium falls apart and I lose consciousness.

I wake up on the bedroom floor and see Joe kneeling by me. "Taylor? Taylor, are you okay?" He shakes my shoulder like that will somehow get me to wake up quicker.

"I-I'm gonna throw up." I turn over and vomit on the floor, still in a complete daze.

"I'm taking you to the hospital." I feel Joe pick me up off the floor and start to carry me.

"I don't hospital." I explain unable to make complete sentences.

"Well, you are going to the hospital because you are sick and need to see a doctor."

"Okay..." I close my eyes as he places me in the passenger seat and buckles me in. He drives me to the hospital quite calmly. I'm guessing he thinks there's little wrong with me. He just wants to make sure I'm alright since he's aready done this whole detox thing with me before.

Once we get to the hospital, we check into a private room avoiding the public eye. Joe fills out all the paperwork for me since I'm too incompetent to do that right now. I've gotten to a point where it's exhausting to even talk. Joe has to do it for me.

"She's been in withdrawal but the last couple days have been so bad she can't keep any food or water down." Joe tells them.

"When did this start?" The doctor asks him.

"About three days ago."

"Sounds like she's probably dehydrated. We're gonna get her hooked up to some IVs right away."

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