Dead Man Walking [FOOL'S GOLD]

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Continuation from last chapter a week later.

Tw: more drug mentioning lol

Taylor Swift's Point of View
Joe is meeting my mom and dad today. We're all going out to brunch and then afterward we're coming back home and we're going to tell them. My mom is good at telling when I'm hiding secrets though which is scaring me. I told her the lunch was for just generally reconnecting. We haven't seen each other in over a year and my mom was my best friend. I never kept anything from her. Secrets didn't start until the oxy did. I want to come clean and tell her I relapsed. I don't know if telling her that scares me the most or the pregnancy. I'm also significantly worried that I'm going to throw up at this brunch. I made sure to book something more private where it's not as busy. No one is allowed to take photos or videos here. I'm still scared I'm going to be caught.

Joe and I walk into the restaurant holding hands. The hostess leads the two of us two a table where my parents are both sitting. Joe pulls out a chair for me and I smile. "Thank you." The two of us sit down across from my parents. There's a bit of an awkward silence.

"I didn't know what you'd want to drink but I know you like orange juice." My mom speaks quietly. I look down in front of me and see the glass of orange juice. I instantly begin to get anxious. I can't drink it...maybe she won't notice?

"Thank you." I smile awkwardly and put my arms around my stomach. Just the sight of it is starting to make me nauseous.

"I see you brought your friend Joe." She adds on.

"Uh, boyfriend. We've been dating for a few months now." The orange juice continues to torture me and I think Joe is catching on now. He takes the glass and moves it away from me.

"I need to tell you something, I think it's important for you to know. I-I don't want to go around keeping secrets. I relapsed pretty badly a couple weeks ago." I sniffle as a few tears start to run down my face.

"Why? You were doing so good!" My dad asks confused immediately. I'm too upset to answer the question so Joe does it for me.

"Things just happen sir. 91% of opioid addicts will experience one relapse. Majority of relapses occur within the first year. But she was over five months sober which was the longest your daughter has ever gone, so you should be really proud of her." Joe looks over at me and grabs my hand. "I know I'm proud of her." I smile back and wipe my tears away.

"Where did you learn that?" I ask.

"I've been doing research for months. Even before we started dating. I've been wanting to help you for a really long time."

"You seem to be very good for her. A dependable man I can imagine?" My father starts to question Joe, looking for reasons to be overly protective. Reasons to dislike him. He's going to find one very quickly.

"She deserves the best. Enough about me though. This brunch is about you and Taylor."

"Hun, you haven't touched your drink. Do you not want it?" My mom asks which makes causes my heart to race.

"Uh-yeah. I just forgot about it." I take the drink from Joe and pick it up. I look at it, feeling my stomach churn.

Joe learns over to me and whispers in my ear. "You're going to vomit if you do that. I know how citrus makes you feel."

"I can handle it. I don't want her to be suspicious." I whisper back. I look down at the drink and slowly bring it to my mouth and take a sip. Joe was right though, I can't handle it.

"Are you okay?" He asks quietly rubbing my shoulder. I shake my head then cover my mouth. I get up out of my chair and try to find a bathroom in time but I simply can't make it. So logically, I threw up in the nearest potted plant. Joe found me quickly and held my hair back. I did catch the attention of quite a few people. It's not every day you see someone throwing up in a pot. Especially Taylor Swift.

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