Puttng Your Neck on the Line [FOOL'S GOLD]

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In this book (Fool's Gold), Taylor is a drug addict and Joe is her love interest. I never finished the book due to how triggering it was and the fact Jaylor broke up.

In this context Taylor was clean but relapsed and went on a bender without telling Joe anything.

Trigger Warning: Drug use.

Taylor Swift's Point of View
I was clean for months and I just tossed it out the window like it meant nothing. I decided if I'm going to relapse I'm going to go all out. I'm in the back of the car as my chauffeur begins to drive me to a new club downtown. No phones are allowed in the club. It's filled with people loaded with cash and several celebrities. Some drug dealers hang out there but we keep that to ourselves. I haven't been to this club in a few months but if I'm going to go all out, this is the place to do it. I'm already high on oxycodone and had some drinks so whatever I do now isn't going to contribute to helping me.

The car comes to a stop and we're outside of the club. "Ma'am, I know you said for me to keep my opinions about these types of things quiet but I think this is a bad idea. You've been clean for a while and you should just go home." My chauffeur suggests while not making eye contact.

"If you're going to judge what I'm doing, at least look at me when you say it." I snap and quickly get out of the car. I walk inside the club where music is raging and I can't hear my thoughts. I walk to the bar and order myself a cocktail, looking around for anyone I know. I usually know people around here. I instantly become intrigued when I see a few familiar faces. I change my stance and walk with pride over to the group of people.

There's one very recognizable man with his feet up on the table. He looks up at me with a grin. "Hey, how's my best customer?! Come on, sit!" He exclaims excitedly.

"Hi, Miles." I smile and sit next to him.

"That bitch knows your real name?" I look and see a woman I haven't seen before sitting on a chair a few feet away.

"What can I say? She's my best customer."

"He's my favorite drug dealer," I smirk.

"I haven't seen you around in a while though. Found someone else?" Miles asks me.

"Tried that whole getting clean thing. Turns out I'm not in that type of business. I need some oxy from you." I pick up my cocktail and take a drink of it, letting it burn my throat. I need the alcohol to take away the pain I'm still feeling.

"Your usual?"


"$1,300 cash."

"I know, I know." I take a large wad of cash out of my purse and begin to count the money. "Here." I hand him the money and he opens up his cloak-seller subtlety which is full of opioids.

"13 OxyContin 100mg." He hands me a small pouch of pills which I immediately snatch.

"Pleasure doing business." I grin and look at the pills. Oh, how beautiful they are. The purity, holiness, innocence, dopamine rush. Oh, how I've missed it all. I slip the drugs into my pocket and look back up. I see one of his friends who just seems to be staring off into space. She's slumped back on the couch looking up and moving her hands around. "What the hell is Blair high on?"

"Ketamine," Miles tells me.

"You gave Blair ketamine! She's your little sister!" I scold him as if he were a child.

"She didn't get it from me!"

"Okay, that woman knows way too much about your personal life. You shouldn't get this close to your customers Miles." The same woman from before comments.

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