Chapter - 1

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The Lightning Era were sitting in the Great Hall having breakfast together after a long time

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The Lightning Era were sitting in the Great Hall having breakfast together after a long time. It was the first day after the Yule break of their fifth year.

They were all very skeptical about what was going on in the Order's meeting after they refused to allow Harry inside the meeting, even though it directly affects him. They were fifteen minutes left for breakfast to finish when a midnight blue mist started to form in front of the professor's table, in its wake, it left behind a helmet, a helmet which the muggle-borns and half-bloods recognized. A loud whisper went about the hall.

"QUIET", shouts McGonagall, her eyes betraying her rigid self by showing intrigue in the helmet, one quite like she has seen before.

"May I know what this object is?", asked Dumbledore in his grandfatherly voice.

"If I may sir, this is Iron Man's helmet.", said Hermione, "He is a part of the Earth's Mightiest Heroes - The Saviors of Earth.", added Hermione seeing the confused faces of the many in the Great Hall.

Suddenly, the Great Hall door opened and The Potters, Black, Lupin, The Malfoys, The Tonks, and along with a few Head Aurors entered the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Lady Amelia Bones.

"What is the meaning of this Dumbledore, why have you called all of us her", Lady Bones asked her eye twitching, she didn't want to be in the vicinity of a person faker than Barbie's makeup.

"Lady Bones, I don't know, I haven't sent any lett-"

"Save it Gandalf, Nightingale was the one who sent them.", said a man coming out of an orangish- ring thing.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that name, AnThOnY.", said the redhead woman in a mocking voice.

Suddenly someone fell from the sky, "I have been falling for thirty minutes", said the man with raven hair in an angry and exasperated tone.

"Calm down my dearest family, they are looking at us like a bunch of hooligans." said the other redhead while taking in this new place.

They all then realised they had wands pointed at them. The redhead then came forward and was enjoying the shocked faces thoroughly.

"Calm down sister dearest, don't you remember me your sister Iris.", she said with a fake innocent voice, hatred lacing her tone.

"I-iii-r...", "y..o.." said Lily and James together both scared for how terribly this would ruin their perfect lives.

"I feel that you all should introduce yourselves first," said McGonagall with the faintest of smiles on her face.

"Tony Stark, Genius, Billionaire, Philanthropist, and Iron Man"

"Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow" the other redhead replied while rolling her eyes at Tony's comment.

"Steve Rogers, Captain America"

"Bruce Banner, Hulk"

"Clint Barton, Hawkeye"

"Thor Odinson of Asgard"

"Loki of Asgard"

"Stephen Strange, Dr. Strange"

"Peter Parker, Spiderman"

"Wanda Maximoff, Scarlett Witch"


"Oooooo... saving the best for last are we", said a cocky Iris while the others chuckled or rolled their eyes playfully.

"Anyways, I am Iris Taylor, The Midnight Witch"

"No, you are not, you are Iris Evans - my sister, oh what have they don-"

"Shut it and stay there third copy", Tasha said annoyed with the screeching redhead, feeling sad for her sister who had to spend 17 years with her.

"Before you all go off about something more, we are here to watch our lives," said Strange.

"But why do we have to see your lives?" asked Malfoy Senior sincerely, scaring everyone.

 "To show you all the about the dangers Earth faces along with your world being a part of it and to show the truth about The House of Potter.", said a smirking Tony.


PS; Updated a new chapter do let me know your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote it is really appreciable.

BTW- wanted to know how the book has been so far?

Much love<3

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