Chapter - 8

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"You knew all along, didn't you?" Loki asked.

"Yes, I knew. I am sorry for everything that happened, I wish there was a way for me to explain to Odin. That- that it wasn't you, but Thanos behind all of it." Iris said remorsefully. "But-, I knew that your hatred, I am sorry- your previous hatred for us mortals must have stemmed from someone else, who taught you that we are lower beings than you. So, I knew even if I somehow even got to Asgard, there was no way he would ever listen to someone who was apparently a lower being than him." Iris said chuckling bitterly at the end.

"Do not apologize for something you have no control over. He was eager to give me a punishment, even I would have tried to tell him or even show my memories of - of those times he would have just dismissed me." he replied his voice getting caught.

"If you wouldn't mind me interjecting," said Wanda and continued, when Loki nodded, "Your father calls himself the Protector of the Nine-Realms, well I would very well question the way that man has brought up his children, if he can twist his words so, that it seemingly looks as if he is the nice person. Don't get me wrong, but his whole idea of being the protector came from going on wars across these realms, showing his dominance and then showing them that he has taken them under his care so that nobody can harm them, while he nonchalantly exploits them all."

"She is very right. I mean it would also make sense as to why he never told you of your true heritage."  said Iris, her blood boiling.

"You are right, don't you see brother, it is only mother and the values that she instilled in us-"

"That have made us what we are today." Thor finished the sentence for Loki.

The Avengers were all looking at each other shocked. They then quickly realized that people were staring and wanted to ask questions. But it was Thor and Loki's private life and they could see on their faces, as to how they didn't want to answer questions.

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