part thirty four

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"your house is this big but you only have 3 rooms?" daniel asks as he drops his suitcase on the floor of the room he's sharing with johnny

"it's not my house. plus there's a mattress next door" johnny jumps on the bed and closes his eyes

"why should i grab it?"

"it's my house" the blonde mutters and daniel laughs

but it's not a sarcastic laugh he genuinely laughed at johnnys joke. he thought it was funny.

johnny smirks "make up your mind"

daniel opens his mouth to reply, confused, but thinks better of it and just rolls his eyes. leaving to go grab his mattress.

by the time he struggles back into the room with the mattress johnny is already fast asleep. still in his shoes and clothes and lying on top of the duvet.

daniel should probably just let him sleep. but  where's the fun in that?

"shoes off the bed" daniel throws a pillow at johnny but the other boy catches it before it can hit him. fucking karate.

"stop bothering me larusso." he says but gets up anyway and curses as he hits his head on the low part of the slanted roof "for fucks sake"

daniel shakes his head. the struggles of being 6' foot.

"language" laura tuts as she walks past the door

"sorry mom" johnny calls after her, holding his head

daniels still laughing as johnny walks into the hallway.

it takes the blonde a whole hour to get ready for bed and by the time he's back daniel has already been asleep for atleast 20 minutes.

"turn the light off asshole" daniel mutters, shielding his eyes

"so you can get your precious beauty sleep?" johnny laughs "it's not working"

daniel digs his face into his pillow "that's not what you used to say"

johnny splutters for a moment before shaking his head and saying "you always look good daniel. you know that"

daniel freezes. that's definitely not what he'd expected.

"not so cocky now" johnny mutters under his breath after daniel doesn't say anything.

"i don't know how to understand you" daniel frowns

"i have all A+ in english?" the blonde changes into his pajamas. not even bothering to turn away.

daniel has to take a moment before replying.

"no i- nevermind. goodnight johnny" daniel turns over and pulls the duvet up to his ears.


"up up up sleepy head" daniels ma laughs brightly as she pulls daniel out of bed.

he groans softly as he sits up "why? it's the holidays?"

"we're having breakfast" she shakes her head as she leaves, turning before the door to say "get changed"

he rolls his eyes as he gets out of bed, thankfully the house is warm and he isn't freezing his toes off.

"do you always wake up so late?"

daniels heart jumps out of his chest as johnny shakes his head. how long had he been standing there.

"do you always watch people sleep?" he retorts

"only some people" johnny grins wickedly "you're
one of the lucky ones"

daniel rolls his eyes "thanks"

the other boy leans back against the bed posts as daniel pulls off his pajama top.

"are you going to watch me get changed aswell?"

"it's nothing i haven't seen before. don't act all modest now." johnny shrugs as he goes to leave the room

daniel turns bright red. it's like he's trying to get a reaction. trying to remind him of everything.

"why do you keep tormenting me with the fact that we used to do all- all that" daniel shivers as the blondes piercing blue eyes travel up and down his body

"get dressed larusso. before i have to change used to to still do"

daniel frowns and only once johnny has left does he realise what he means.



he doesn't get a chance to confront johnny about it because they're separated at the breakfast table by their mums.

johnny pushes his food around the plate but doesn't eat anything. weird.

"so how did you boys sleep?" laura asks

"really well. daniels snoring only woke me once" johnny smiles at his still full plate as daniel glares at him across the table.

"i don't snore" he mutters

"how would you know. you're fast asleep... snoring away" the blonde runs a hand through his usually perfect hair. somethings going on with him.

"shut up" daniel makes a face at johnny

johnny just laughs and starts to fake snore really loudly. only stopping when he's hit in the face by some of daniels scrambled eggs.

"daniel. don't throw food. this isn't you're house. sorry laura" ma scolds him

"that's alright lucille. johnny deserved it anyway. please treat this house as if it was you're own" laura laughs

johnny wipes the egg off of his face, still grinning. nothing fazes him.

it's so unfair. even a smile from the blonde makes daniels insides twist and flutter but daniel could probably kiss him and he would still be calm.

a foot kicks him under the table and johnny raises an eyebrow at him when he looks up. dick.

"what should we do today?" ma gathers up her plate and wipes her face with a napkin

"the boys could go to the movies" laura shrugs "i need to unpack some stuff from last christmas though"

"i'll stay with you and help unpack then. what movies are playing?"

"the christmas star, one magic christmas, merry christmas mr lawrence" johnny bites his lip thoughtfully "atleast those are the movies playing back home"

"so all christmas movies?" daniel asks, chewing on his bacon. it's slightly over cooked but hes not going to say anything

"what's your problem with christmas movies?" ma frowns "you loved them last year"

"christmas movies are the best part of christmas" johnny looks at lucille and gives her an award winning smile.

she laughs "exactly. see daniel why can't you be more like johnny?"

daniel mutters "white people" under his breath.

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