Chapter 6 - Jennie

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*Third Person's POV*

"Lisa?" Jennie called the Thai girl who was focused on the road.

"What is it, Jennie?" Lisa asked faintly.

"Can we not go home?" Jennie asked, staring at Lisa hopefully. The latter looked at Jennie and sighed.

"It's still too early to start drinking, Jennie. I am not taking you to a bar." Lisa said nonchalantly.

This time, Jennie sighed. "I don't want to drink. I just don't want to go home. It's suffocating."

Lisa shook her head and turned her head back to the road.

"Anywhere is fine. Just not home." Jennie pleaded. Lisa looked at her again. "Please..." Jennie looked at her with her infamous puppy eyes. Lisa's heart skipped a beat. She blinked twice and looked back.

"Fine." She mumbled and looked away. She turned the car around and drove to the beach.

Both girls sat down on a bench, just staring at the waves. They sat in silence, and Lisa was just playing on her phone. Jennie was staring at two kids who were playing by the shore. She watched them run around and then drag their parents to play with them.

Before she even realized it, tears started to flow down from her eyes. She missed her childhood. She missed the time when her father was not a politician but just a secretary. She missed the times when her father would skip his work just to take her to watch fireworks or cherry blossoms bloom. She sniffled, feeling dizzy all of a sudden. Her mind was a mess, but she got snapped back from her thoughts when she felt Lisa's hand on her shoulders.

She tilted her head to meet Lisa's confused eyes. "What's wrong, Jennie?" Concern laced in her voice.

Jennie sniffled and wiped her tears away. "Nothing."

"It doesn't seem like that. Since when did you start crying for no reason?" Lisa asked, feeling somewhat annoyed.

Jennie chuckled bitterly. "Have you ever been someone's priority, Lisa?" The tall girl was taken aback by the sudden question.

"What are you asking?" Lisa swallowed hard, looking away.

"Just curious." Jennie shrugged. "I miss that feeling, Lisa. Being someone's priority. Being important to someone. Feeling peaceful and happy genuinely." She whispered.

"You are your parents' priority, Jennie." Lisa tried to reason.

Jennie laughed. "There's a correction; I was." Lisa looked at the short girl questioningly. "For my Dad, his position is his priority. For my Mom, my Dad, his status is the priority. I really don't know where I come between that." She sighed.

Lisa didn't know what to say. The tall girl kept fidgeting her fingers, looking down.

"There was a time when I used to feel all that. But I realized that after some point, everyone leaves. Some people seem closer, but they are just actually away." The Korean said and looked at the Thai girl. "Even you, Lisa." Lisa raised her head to look at Jennie. "I know you'd risk your life to protect me now, but the moment you go back to your old life, I am just another civilian to you."

Lisa kept quiet and stared at the cat-eyed girl. There was only one thought running across her mind. What could she probably say to make Jennie feel better!?

"At least we won't be annoying each other then," Lisa mumbled, looking away from Jennie. But she shot her head back to look at her when she heard the Korean laugh. Lisa was lost in the short girl's contagious laughter. It wasn't the usual fake smile Jennie showed around. This was genuine, and Lisa couldn't dent that Jennie looked beautiful.

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