Chapter 8 - Lisa

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*Third Person's POV*

"What are you thinking about?" Jennie asked as she approached the Thai girl.

Lisa shook her head. "Ah, nothing. Were you asleep?"

"Almost," Jennie mumbled.

There was an awkward silence between the two of them.

"How was dinner?" Lisa asked, finally to reduce the growing weird silence.

"So weird. I don't even remember what they were talking about." Jennie sighed.

Lisa laughed. "It's not so surprising." The short girl rolled her eyes.

"Did you come here at night to annoy me?"

The tall girl bit her cheeks to control her laughs. "I will leave if I am annoying you." She said as she walked past Jennie. Lisa was going to stop when she felt Jennie wasn't going to react, but luckily, the short girl did.

"No, wait." Lisa turned around to see the short girl pouting. Her heart skipped a beat. "It's boring here." The Korean mumbled.

Lisa hummed as she walked back and sat at the foot of the tree. She purposely avoided Jennie's glare and kept staring at the sky. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Jennie shaking her head and then sitting beside her. Both of them were sitting hugging their knees.

While Lisa watched the half-moon and sky packed with stars, Jennie got lost, staring at the Thai girl.

"Lisa?" She called softly.

The tall girl hummed and looked over at Jennie.

"Can I– can I ask what you were dreaming yesterday?" Jennie asked nervously. Lisa gulped and looked away. "If it's something you don't like to talk about, then it's okay. I am sorry for asking." The short cleared.

Lisa chuckled bitterly. They sat in silence for a few minutes. Jennie regretted asking Lisa about her dream because she felt like the tall girl was hurting.

"It wasn't a dream," Lisa spoke finally. Her voice was very faint that Jennie almost missed it. "It's a reminder." She said and looked over to the short girl to find her looking at Lisa in confusion. "You asked me if I am someone's priority, right?"

Jennie nodded.

"I was, too," Lisa whispered. "My Dad's..." Her voice cracked. It was strange. But Jennie could feel how much Lisa was hurting.

"My Dad..." Lisa swallowed hard. "...he was a chef. I– I lost him thirteen years ago." She said and looked down.

Jennie put her hand on Lisa's back and gently caressed the area. Lisa sighed.

"I was twelve then. I caught a cold one day, and he took his day off to take me to the clinic." Jennie felt the tall girl get stiff under her touch. She kept caressing her back without saying anything. "That day... a fire broke out in the building. He took me out first, but while saving others... he– he–" Lisa's voice cracked again, and she broke down. Jennie's heart dropped. She pulled the tall girl closer, and Lisa cried on Jennie's shoulders. Jennie threw her hand over Lisa's shoulder, keeping her closer while her other hand caressed the Thai girl's face. "If– if I hadn't been sick that day... if I hadn't forced him to take me to that clinic only... my Dad– he– he would have been with me today."

Jennie felt her eyes swell, and tears flew down her cheeks to Lisa's face. The tall girl opened her eyes and stared at Jennie longingly. The Korean sniffled. "It wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could have done to stop it, Lisa." Jennie said, cupping the tall girl's face. "I am sure your Dad must be feeling happy that he got to save you. And he would be so proud to know that you have grown to be a righteous cop who wants to keep everyone away from the line of danger." She whispered as she wiped Lisa's tears tenderly. "Don't blame yourself, Lisa. Be happy that your Dad was a selfless man who put others before himself. I can't say if I'd do the same."

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