Chapter 21 - Solace

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*Third Person's POV*

Lisa rushed to the location where the corpse was found. Even the mere possibility of the woman being Jennie tore through her and clouded her mind. Tears trailed down her pretty doe-like eyes, and Lisa was a mess. A familiar feeling of helplessness rushed through her veins. The car roared through the hilly road and stopped behind the police barricades. She flashed her ID and ran up the hills, covered with cops, forensic examiners, and media.

Namjoon and Jungkook were coming back on the way down after checking the corpse, and Lisa ran into their arms. She panted and looked at them hopefully — her eyes glistening for the good news that it wasn't her Jennie.

And it really wasn't.

"It's not her," Namjoon assured, and Lisa let out a shaky breath.

The Thai girl saw a ray of hope.

They came back. The search team was still full on, looking for a trace of Jennie or Taehyung, but there was nothing. The President's house was the official investigation spot, and no one was to leave until they found a lead. However, the station chief and the older NIS officer left, leaving Lisa Manoban to lead the investigation.

Close to ten at night, the residential phone rang, and Mr. Kim answered. It was indeed from Jennie's abductors, but all they said was not to look for her and that they'd make their demand when the right time came.

Even more than 12 hours after Jennie went missing, the cops had no clue, and Lisa was restless.

"Lisa," Seul-gi called hopefully, coming through the front door. She had been out in search all this while and had just gotten back. "I looked through Taehyung's details."


"His parents left the country two days ago."

"To where?"

"We don't know that. But there are high chances that he's somehow involved in this and will flee the country tonight." She explained.

A wide search was ordered for the guy at all the airports, ports, railway stations, and bus stations.

Then, at last...

'Lisa, we got him.'

That was literally the second good thing Lisa had heard that day.

Lisa was talking with Namjoon when they brought in the guy with heart-shaped face. The older guy tried to hold the Thai girl back, but she was beyond anyone's control. She walked over to the guy, who was held in cuffs, and grabbed his collar.

"Where's she?" She growled.

The guy was trembling.

Lisa pulled out her revolver and pointed it against his head. "I won't think twice to shoot you for her, so tell me where she is?" She shouted.

"I– I don't know."

Before Lisa could hit the guy, Jungkook pulled her away. Namjoon took the guy and made him sit on a chair as he prepared to interrogate him.

"Please... please let me go. I don't know anything." He pleaded.

The older guy gave him a glass of water.

"We have nothing against you, Taehyung. We just need the truth."

"I swear, I don't know where she is."

"Then why did you try to escape?" Lisa shouted from afar.

"Lisa, please," Namjoon warned. "Taehyung, you took Jennie out. She went missing, and you tried to flee the country. How do you explain that?"

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