Chapter 12 - Dinner Date

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*Jennie's POV*

Lisa pinned me to the wall as soon as we got to the room, connecting our lips to a more desperate kiss. She kicked the door shut, snaking her hands down to my waist and keeping our bodies closer. My hands went up her neck, twirling her hair. She groaned into my mouth when I pulled her hair roughly. You know how they say butterflies erupt when you have your first kiss in a relationship, but that's not what I am feeling. But if I knew what I am feeling right now, was I'd experience when I kiss Lisa, then I'd have kissed her earlier. Because her lips are intoxicating me. I think I want to feel her lips on me all the time.

She pulled away from my lips, only to attach them to my neck. Her lips roamed around in my sweet spot, sucking and nibbling.

Her hands went on, caressing my arms, and I winced when her hands passed my elbow. Lisa pulled away from me. Her face looked worried.

"What's wrong, Jen?" She asked, inspecting my hands, and her face fell when she saw that my right elbow was scratched. "Jen, this..." Her voice trailed off. It probably happened when I was lost in the forest.

"Lisa, it's nothing. It's just a scratch." I reasoned, holding her shoulders. She looked into my eyes, and she looked guilty. I pulled her closer to me and connected our foreheads. "There's nothing for you to be guilty about, Lisa. It was just my clumsy self."

She shook her head, chuckling. "Does it hurt?" She asked softly.

I nodded. "When you stopped kissing me," I mumbled quietly, making sure she heard it.

She chuckled again and blew on my elbow, proceeding to kiss the area. I smiled as she looked at me. "I think I like you, Miss Kim." She whispered, making my hands wrap around her neck and kiss on my sweet spot again.

"Oh... Lisa..." I breathed out, and I could sense her smirk slyly against my skin. Her hands went down to my ass, and she gave them a gentle squeeze. Fuck! I could feel getting wet down there by her actions. One of her legs was between my thighs, and she was subtly moving it.

Luckily, we were interrupted by a knock on the door. Well, I wanted to kick whoever it was as well, but thank God we were stopped, or else something more would've happened between us. Not that I don't want to, but I don't want to rush with Lisa. Lisa groaned as she pulled away from me, making me chuckle. I stepped a bit back as Lisa opened the door. It was a room boy.


"Good evening, Ma'am." He bowed. "I am here to inform you that dinner is ready. Mr. Kim requested to take special care of you."

"Yeah, thank you!" Lisa bowed slightly and closed the door. But as she turned away, there was another knock. Lisa stomped her feet, and I covered my mouth, laughing. I walked inside, shaking my head and hearing her open the door again.

"What!?" She asked a little impatiently.

"Sorry, Ma'am, but will you be having dinner in our restaurant, or should I bring it here?" He asked, but I didn't hear her response as I was inside the bedroom by then.

Our unit was quite spacious, with a separate living room and an extended veranda. I grabbed my makeup kit and went inside the bathroom. My eyeliner and lipstick were smudged from our early deeds. I wiped them off and was reapplying lipstick when her hands wrapped around my waist, and she kissed my shoulders. I gasped.

"Lisa, what are you doing?" I asked, faking a mad face because my lipstick was smudged again. She smiled at me mischievously.

"You woke up a sleeping tigress, Miss Kim." She whispered, trailing her lips to my neck and moving my hair to the side. "I don't think I could ever stop kissing you." She kissed below my earlobe and licked my ear. I moaned.

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