never grow up (requested)

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"Uh, excuse me. Where do you think you're going?" Your mom asked as you headed for the front door.

"Out." You answered.

"Where and with who?"

"Does it matter?" You asked.

You watched your mom fold her arms over her chest as she nodded her head.

"It does, actually. Because I'm your mother and I need to know where you're going and who you're going to be with."

"It doesn't matter!"

"I do not appreciate the attitude, young lady. Cut it out."

You scoffed and rolled your eyes.

"Maybe if you weren't so controlling, I wouldn't have an attitude."

"I am not controlling, I just want to make sure you're hanging out with good people because I worry about you!"

"Well stop! I'm almost eighteen, I can make my own choices and look out for myself. Stop being so uptight and get off my back!" You yelled before going out the door, slamming it behind you.

Taylor shook her head as she rubbed her temples.

Right now, your eighteenth birthday is approaching quickly, just days away now. You're going through that phase where you already consider yourself an adult and think that she's being too controlling when, in reality, she's only being your mom.

She watched you pull out of the driveway before she made her way to the sofa, sitting down with her head in her hands as she worried deeply about you.

And she had every reason to worry.

Because what you were doing and the crowd you were hanging out with weren't exactly great choices made by you.

You pulled up to a house a few blocks away where your new group of friends were.

"Move over, let me drive." One of them said.

You were a little hesitant because you could smell the alcohol on their breath.

"Come on. You can sit in the backseat, where Bella is."

Bella, your crush, was also not the greatest person but you're still young and you're unaware of it.

You think her rebellious attitude towards life is cool and she knows she's got you wrapped around her finger.

"Okay. Just be careful, alright?"

"I will, I will. Calm down." Your friend chuckled.

You sighed and got into the backseat as a couple of other people piled into your car.

But your only focus was on your potential girlfriend.

"There you are!" Bella grinned and pulled you into her arms.

"My seatbelt." You started to say, only for everyone to giggle.

"Don't worry about it! Nothing is going to happen. Just relax. Come closer." Bella said.

You smiled as you put your head on her shoulder and she put her arms around you to hold you close.

Your friend sped off, driving around the city as the alcohol ran through their system.

"This is so much fun!" One of them yelled in excitement as you all let loose.

Perhaps, a little too much.

As you were almost pulled in for a kiss by Bella, suddenly your friend ran the red light and the car crashed into another.

It flipped on the road, causing screams to be heard from you and the others in the car.

And as it finally stopped flipping and the damage sank into you and others on the road that immediately hurried to the car, you passed out.

Taylor couldn't explain it but tonight, she just couldn't focus on anything but you being out.

She just had a bad feeling.

"Stop it, Taylor. She's fine." She told herself before getting up to grab some water.

But the sound of her phone ringing made her return empty-handed.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hello? Is this Taylor?"

"It is. Who is this?"

"I work at a hospital and your daughter was just rushed in. She was in an accident."

"Oh, my god," Taylor said as her heart dropped. "I'll be right there!"

She ended the call and hurried to the car before driving off to the hospital.

She ran through the doors and to the front desk, only finding that she could breathe again when she heard that you would be okay.

The damage wasn't as serious to you as it had been to others in your car.

You had a couple of broken bones, some cuts and bruises, and a little concussion.

It could've been worse.

Your mom walked into the room a few minutes later and breathed out a sigh of relief as she watched you turn your head to look at her.

"Y/N," She said as she walked to you, the door closing behind her.

"Mom, I'm so sorry."

"What happened?"

"My friend ran a red light. She was drunk."

"You let her drive when she was intoxicated?"

"I wasn't thinking. It was poor judgment on my part, I admit. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. What matters is you're okay and from what I understand, everyone else is going to be fine in time, too."

You turned your head, getting caught up in your thoughts.

"I'm such an idiot for thinking the way I was. I'm not an adult yet. I don't know everything. I still have some growing up to do. I guess I just thought that since I'm so close to being eighteen I could make my own choices. I don't think I'm ready for that yet though."

"Y/N, honey, there is no need to rush growing up. I know you're almost eighteen but you'll always be my little girl. You'll make the right choices, your judgment will change as you get older. But for now, don't hurry things. If you need help, if you have questions, I'm here."

"Thanks, Mom."

"And someday, when you're ready, I'll support you as you grow your wings and get ready to go out on your own. For now, you don't need to hurry anything."

"I made some really bad decisions tonight."

"The important thing is that you're safe. We can talk more about everything else later. Just know that everyone's going to be fine."

"I don't think those people are my friends." You said with a sad sigh.

"Friends will come and go. You'll meet the right ones eventually. I promise." She said as she combed her fingers through your hair.

"I'm sorry for everything, Mom. You must've been so scared." You sniffled. "And my car is probably destroyed."

"I was. But I'm not now because you're okay and that's all I care about. Your car being ruined isn't my concern right now. You are. That's all I care about."

You smiled at her, making her do the same.

"Get a little rest. We'll talk more when you wake up."

"Okay. By the way, Mom," you paused as she nodded, waiting for you to continue. "I think you're the best mom in the world. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize just how great you are."

"I am pretty great." She chuckled, making you do the same. "But it's easy to be a good mom when I've got such a fantastic daughter."

"I love you."

"I love you more." She said and kissed your forehead. "Rest now. I'll be here."

You closed your eyes and fell asleep for a few as your mom sang never grow up to you, making you feel so grateful that you were going to be alright.

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