embarrassed (requested)

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Author's Note: I've never written anything like this before so hopefully it's not bad.

In this chapter, Y/N is in a relationship with a boy, as requested. So please don't read if you don't like that for any reason 🖤 Also, Selena is mentioned very briefly but in this chapter she's not famous.

I love you all and hope you enjoy it! 😊


"Y/N? Honey, I'm home!" Your mom called out as she stepped into the house.

It was late and since all of the lights were off downstairs, she figured you might be in bed already.

She didn't plan to disturb you if that was the case, not wanting to take the chance of waking you up.

So she made her way upstairs quietly and then down the hall to her room, the only sounds, at first, were those of your cat meowing as he followed Taylor around.

She was about to pick him up and let him sleep with her tonight when, suddenly, she heard a voice coming from inside your room.

It was very familiar.

It sounded like your boyfriend Kai.

Since you two have been dating for almost two years now, your mom is very used to him being over and she knows his voice well.

She heard your voice mingling with his and she figured she'd pop in real quick, just to say hi to you both.

She kissed your cat's head before gently placing him back on the floor.

Going across the hall to your room, she opened the door with a big smile on her face.

However, it dropped and a look of shock appeared instead.

"Oh, my god!" She yelled out upon noticing that you and Kai were curled up in a very intimate position.

He laid down beside you and covered you both up as you stared at your mom in shock.

"Mom! Don't you knock?"

"Excuse me? The problem here is not me not knocking!" She said as she glared at you and your very embarrassed boyfriend.

"I should go." He said. "I mean, I usually wouldn't right after we-"

He paused as he looked at your mom, watching as she folded her arms over her chest and raised her brows.

"I love you." He said before kissing you. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Taylor turned her head as he pulled his clothes back on and then walked out of your room, nervously and repeatedly apologizing to her as he walked out.

It was silent as you pulled your clothes on as well and stayed covered with the sheet.

"Are you disappointed in me?" You asked.

"No." She answered as she sat beside you. "Never. But I need you to understand how serious this is. You're sixteen years old. One tiny little slip-up is all it takes."

"I know. That's why we're always careful. We don't take any chances or risks. We know how much can go wrong."

Taylor sighed as she gazed at you.

"We just," You paused, anxiously playing with your fingers. "We really love each other and sometimes, we just like to express it."

"Honey, I know how that works. I've been in love a few times in my life." She smiled. "I'm not mad or disappointed or anything like that. It's just that you're both still so young and I want you two to be safe."

"We are, mom, I swear. Trust me, Kai and I are very serious about our futures even though we're in love. We still plan to go to college and work successful jobs that we're both passionate about. We're not going to risk anything."

She sighed before nodding as she brushed her hand across your shoulder.

"We have to take you to the gynecologist, just to be sure."

"Mom, no," You whined.

It was embarrassing to you simply because your mom's friend Selena was a gynecologist and you knew that's who she'd take you to.

"Y/N, I'm serious." Your mom sternly said. "You're growing up and you're in a great relationship with someone you love and care for. You have to go, I will not tolerate you saying otherwise."

"Fine." You grumbled.

"And, for a while, when Kai comes over, keep your door open, okay? I'm not upset with you but let's be safe. Alright?"

"Okay." You agreed.

She got up, kissing your forehead as she did so.

"Get some sleep."

"Will do." You said as she prepared to walk out of your room, only for you to stop her. "Mom?"

She turned back around to face you.

"Thanks for looking out for me and caring. As embarrassing as it was, it's nice to know that you care."

"I care very much, Y/N. You're my daughter, my entire world. I know you've found someone you love more than anything and you're growing up, but remember that you're still my little girl and I love you most."

You smiled at her, knowing she was right.

"Have a good night."

"You too." You replied as she walked out of your room, closing your door most of the way behind her.

You texted Kai that everything was okay, which he was more than relieved to hear, before putting your head back on the pillow.

You closed your eyes, ready to fall asleep for the night, knowing you're lucky to have such a wonderful mother who will always care about you and will always be here for you.

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