foolish one (requested)

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"Where are you going all dressed up?" Your mom smiled as you made your way downstairs.

"I'm meeting up with Jenna tonight!"

You watched her smile drop before she set her notebook on the couch beside her while also being careful of Benjamin, who was curled up close to her.

"Oh... honey, can you sit for a minute?"

"Yeah but try to make it quick if you can, Mom, I can't be late."

She nodded as you sat down beside her.

"I thought you and Jenna broke up."

"We did. But I'm still holding out hope that, maybe, she'll change her mind."

Those words broke her heart.

You're only seventeen, you're not meant to know everything when it comes to life and relationships just yet.

But you and your ex-girlfriend, Jenna, broke up a couple of weeks ago and even though you remain friends, she can see that your feelings are still there.

And, as your mom, she's worried that your heart might get broken again because she knows how crushed you were just a couple of weeks ago when you and Jenna ended things.

"I know. I know you care about Jenna a lot but... honey, she's the one that ended things. Maybe you should consider moving on? I don't want to see you get your heart broken again."

"I won't, mom. Don't worry." You assured her before giving her a hug. "I appreciate you looking out for me but I think she misses me and I miss her too."

Your mom sighed and tried to speak, only for you to check your phone for the time.

"I have to go! I won't be back too late, I promise. Love you!" You said before hurrying out the door.

She knows you crave independence and want to live your own life.

She understands; she was seventeen once before.

But her mom told her often that one day, when she had a child of her own, she'd understand the need to protect and look out for her kid, no matter how old they are.

And Taylor knows it firsthand now that she has you.

And she just has a bad feeling about this situation.

It seems a little old-fashioned to some but to Taylor, it was cute how sometimes, rather than text, Jenna would stop by and place letters in your mailbox.

You still check every day to see if more are in there, only to see bills and other things, anything other than love letters.

You check your phone often, you dress up so beautifully, and you wear that breathtaking smile anytime you expect to see or talk to Jenna.

And Taylor knows that this probably won't end well.

So she stayed up late again, planning to give you the excuse she does every time that she just got caught up in her thoughts and wrote some songs.

It was a few hours later when your car pulled into the driveway and a moment later, you dragged your feet through the door.

"Hey, honey!" She smiled, faking a yawn as she closed the blank pages of her new empty journey. "Wow, time flew by. I lost track of it writing. How'd your night go?"

You went to the freezer and pulled out your go-to ice cream for when you felt sad and her heart broke.

"She's got a new girlfriend." You mumbled as you slid down the wall and onto the floor. "She's moved on."

Your mom sighed in sadness before grabbing a spoon and joining you.

"I'm so stupid."

"Don't say that. You are not stupid, not even in the slightest!"

"Fine. I'm foolish."

"Well, you're young and you were in love. It's normal to be a little foolish sometimes." She said as she ate some ice cream with you.

"This whole time, I held out hope that she'd change her mind. I checked for her letters and texts. I hoped one of these times that I saw her that she'd kiss me the way she used to. I hoped she'd regret it all."

You shook your head after you finished speaking, disappointed and in disbelief of your own foolishness.

"I really thought she was the one. It's been two weeks and she's found someone new while I've lived in delusion that she still loved me."

"Honey, listen." Taylor started to say. "I know it's hard and you probably don't want to hear it, but she's just not the one for you. Your true love is out there somewhere. You'll meet them someday."

You put your head on her shoulder.

"One day, your confessions of love will come. You'll open that mailbox and there'll be thirteen of them in there just for you because that person truly loves you. You will find your special someone. You're one and only us out there, waiting to meet you too. Don't lose hope."

You smiled a little.

"You always know what to say."

"Well, I'm your mom. That just comes naturally to me."

You giggled and wiped away your tears before she kissed your head.

"You're young. You've got your whole life ahead of you. When the time is right, you'll find your true love. I promise." She assured. "For now, go up to bed. It's late."

"Okay." You said and got up off the floor with her.

She put the spoons in the sink and the ice cream in the freezer, only to turn around when she heard your voice.


"Yeah?" She spoke.

"Thank you. I needed to hear that and I appreciate you always being here for me."

"What are moms for?" She smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too." You said before heading upstairs for the night, knowing that you had the best mom ever.

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