hearing you sing (requested)

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Taylor sat on her bed with her notebook in front of her, lyrics falling from her lips as she worked on a new song.

It's getting late and she should be getting ready for bed since she has a busy day with you tomorrow.

But she's got a lot on her mind and, as she always does, she turned to music.

She paused as she tried to finish the lyrics in her head only to freeze as she heard something come from your room.

Across the room from hers was yours and she could hear a soft voice coming from inside.

She got out of her bed and made her way across the hall, putting her ear against the door to listen more intently.

You were singing along to your favorite song and Taylor was so shocked as she had never heard you sing before.

Your voice was beautiful and she was just in awe of it and you.

"Y/N?" She knocked. "Can I come in?"

You stopped singing, your pretty voice no longer echoing throughout the room.

"Yeah." You replied.

As your mom walked in, you became shy over her having heard you singing.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I heard you singing."

"Oh. I know you were working on stuff, I'm sorry, Mom."


Taylor still likes hearing that come from you.

You're Taylor's adopted daughter and it's only been a few months that you've lived with her in this beautiful home.

But, already, you trust her and know that you've found someone who genuinely loves and cares about you.

She just wants to give you the home and life you deserve, she only has the best intentions for you.

That's a lot more than you can say about the past families you lived with.

None of them have ever treated you this way.

None of them have ever made you feel so safe or so comfortable.

So to hear you call her mom made her smile because she knows you've never done that for anyone else before.

"Yeah, I was. But it's okay, you're more important."

She sat down on the edge of your bed.

"You've got a very pretty voice." She said.

"Thanks." You shyly replied.

"You like music?"

"I love music. It's gotten me through so much over the years." You said. "I've written my own stuff."

"You have?" She said with a grin. "Can I see it?"

You hesitated but not for long.

You got up and walked over to your table across the room.

You pulled out a notebook that Taylor originally thought was your diary, which is exactly why she's never seen these as she never wanted to invade your privacy.

You sat back down on the bed and opened it up before handing it over to your mom.

She took a few minutes to read the lyrics you've written and she was amazed, to say the least.

The way you described the emotions in the song, from heartbreak to love to pure happiness, was just beautiful.

The songs were touching, heartwarming, and sweet.

And Taylor absolutely adored them.

"Wow..." She said.

"Do you like them? Are they bad?"

"Not at all! Y/N, these are fantastic!" She said as she continued to read the lyrics on each page. "You're very talented. You have quite a way with words."

Despite not being related by blood, it almost seemed that you'd taken after her.

You had a way of expressing and describing the way you felt and you had a mixture of different songs from the sad, gut-wrenching ones to the lighthearted and happy ones.

You were just incredibly gifted with the way you described things and the way your lyrics made her feel.

"These are incredible."

"Thanks." You chuckled.

"I'm serious. We have to get these out in the world somehow because the world is missing out. These songs are just so good."

"Can I take a little time before I do that? I want to publish my work someday but I'm not sure if I'm ready yet."

"Honey, we can take as long as you want. But just know that whatever you decide to do with these songs, I support you wholeheartedly."

That meant the world to you as music is very important to you, especially the stuff you've written.

"I will always make sure that your music is all yours whatever path you decide to take. I'll always be here for you, I promise."

"Thanks, Mom."

You hugged her and she smiled brightly, feeling so incredibly proud of you.

"Hang on one second." She said before she got up and left the room.

She returned with one of her guitars and handed it over to you, making your eyes light up.

"Why don't you play some of your songs on there? If you'd like, of course."

You happily took the opportunity and started to play as the lyrics of your own songs left your lips.

Taylor sat back down on your bed and listened to you with a bright smile, knowing that your future was so bright and that this would bring you even closer.

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