you're in a bad relationship (requested)

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Author's Note: This chapter contains possibly triggering content. Please don't read this chapter if you're uncomfortable with abusive situations.

It doesn't go into detail much but there are mentions of it and I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. So read with caution if you do choose to read it. Thank you 🩷


You sniffled as you closed your bedroom door and walked inside.

Walking over to your vanity, you took a look in the mirror to see that a bruise was already appearing on your cheek.

Tears stung your eyes as you thought back to the moment when this all took place tonight, when your girlfriend of a couple of months put her hands on you.

It's not the first time and, deep down, though you don't want to admit it, you know it also won't be the last.

You sat on your bed and let out the tears that you didn't dare let fall when you were with her.

it's late, well after midnight, and your mom is asleep in her room across the hall so you're trying to be quiet.

You weren't supposed to even see your girlfriend tonight but you snuck out because she asked you to and saying no was useless.

If she didn't argue and persist with you about you sneaking out, she would've guilt-tripped you endlessly; you know it from experience.

You didn't know if you'd sleep tonight as the sadness of being so in love with someone that you know doesn't love you the same sometimes overwhelms you.

All you wanted to do was crawl under the covers and think back to the better times with her, when things first started.

But your cries worried your mom, who'd overheard you.

She didn't even knock, she just let herself into your room.

You gasped and pulled your hoodie over your head before hanging it, trying to be sure that she wouldn't see the bruises.

"Hey." She said as she sat down beside you.

"Hi, mom. How's your night going?" You asked as you kept your head down.

"Y/N..." She said softly. "I know you snuck out."

You didn't know what to say but you still didn't lift your head.

"Did you meet up with your girlfriend again tonight?"

"Yeah." You confessed. "I'm sorry, I just missed her and haven't been able to see her because of school and stuff."

"Are you sure? It isn't because she made you?"

She was tiptoeing around it, trying to coax the truth out of you; the truth that she had learned tonight.

"What are you talking about?" You asked, your head still hung.

"Your friends have been texting me tonight. Apparently, at school, they saw a couple of things. They saw bruises on your arms when you rolled your sleeves up and they heard her talking down to you."

You bit the inside of your cheek, staying quiet.

"Look at me, honey."

You didn't dare.

Not until she put her hand on your shoulder in comfort; a comfort you've been needing after being so overwhelmed with fear and anxiety.

You lifted your head slowly and she gasped upon seeing the bruise on your cheek.

"Oh, honey..."

"It's okay, mom."

"It isn't okay, she's hurting you!" She said and you jumped slightly as she raised her voice. "I'm sorry. But honey, this isn't okay."

You were about to speak when your phone started to ring suddenly.

"Answer it." She said, both of you already knew who was calling before even seeing the name on screen.

"Hello?" You spoke.

"I texted you! Why haven't you texted me back? Are you trying to make me feel bad? Hm?"

"I," You started to say before looking at your mom.

"I'm coming over there. I don't know what's going on or what you're doing but I know you're up to something. Leave your window unlocked."

"Come over here, I dare you." Your mom said as she grabbed your phone from you. "I'll call the police in a heartbeat."

"For what?"

"Are you being serious? For hurting my daughter! There's a bruise on her cheek and her friends have seen them on her arms! You're hurting my daughter and that's not okay with me."

"I didn't do that to her. She fell."

"Yeah, I'm not buying that! I'm not stupid. I should've seen the signs sooner but I didn't. But now that I know, I'm going to make sure you stay far away from my daughter, no matter what it takes."

Your girlfriend ended the call as your mom huffed and then put your phone on the bed beside you.

"I'm sorry." You cried. "I should've said something but... I was scared."

"Shh, honey," She said before hugging you. "It's going to be okay. I'll keep you safe. We'll do whatever we have to do from this point forward to make sure she never hurts you again."

You cried as she held onto you, doing her best to make you feel safe despite the circumstances.

"I love you so much. I promise, you're safe now and you have no reason to be scared. I'll never let you get hurt again."

You exhaled shakily as tears fell down your face and you knew your mom was crying too, shattered from knowing that you'd been in pain for so long.

"She was good to me at first, Mom. She treated me like a queen."

"I know, baby. They always do. Then once they're comfortable with you, they show their true colors. I know it hurts and I know you're scared for a lot of reasons, but you deserve better and you'll find better, I promise."

You held onto her just as tight, needing the comfort of your mom in this hard time.

You knew she was right.

You deserve better and someday, you'll find it.

But for now, with the toxic and dangerous situation you're in, you know you have to get out of it.

And you know your mom will be there for you every step of the way.

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