1 State topper Bondita photo is not published in any newspaper

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Disheartened Anirudh is brought to Tulsipur directly by Trilochan and sent to his room but Anirudh left to study room and locked himself there

Sampoorna is happy seeing that Bondita is gone away as per her will so no chance that she will return back.

Trilochan ordered Bihari to bring back Anirudh's luggage and things from Krishnanagar without meeting and talking with Bondita.. Bihari nodded silently.

While leaving Trilochan again called and told that from now onwards no one will remind Bondita to Anirudh. Throw her things away from this haveli

Bihari alone went to Krishnanagar and made remaining servants to pack their luggage

Bondita saw this from opposite window and came to that bungalow hoping that sakhababu came and entered the haveli but he is not found anywhere

Tupur ran to Thakuma to give information that Bondita went to Roy Chowdhary haveli but kalindi asked her to stop spying on her sister and look after her own work from now onwards she need not guard Bondita.

She then saw Bihari is making everyone pack things hurrying them to make it fast and emptying the haveli

She came to him and asked : Bhari babu! Where is sakhababu. Only you came .did sakha..I mean barrister Babu send you here

Bihari : Barrister babu Didn't send me but bade malik sent me here and told that without talking to you get back all their things..and with trembling voice he again startes hurrying up

Bondita felt sad and asked: How is barrister Babu ,

Before Bihari replies Kalindi came there and told : Shabash Bondita..khoob bhalo..it's very good to see that you are fulfilling your promise

Bondita tried to give explanation but Kalindi stopped and told softly: I am your Thakuma your family member. We have blood relationship Bondita and blood relationship is more powerful than any relationship in this world.

Just go and get ready. Today I am going to join you in angrezi school. I have influence In angrezi people and they are going to give you admission in school.

Bondita nodded happily and went inside to get ready telling in mind that : Barrister babu I am going to join back in school. You should feel happy.

When Bondita disappeared kalindi glared seriously at Bihari and told : If you appear in Krishnanagar tell your barrister Babu that I have capacity to stop my granddaughter's education and send her away where he can't even find About her .

Bihari : sorry Malikin. I just came to take back the luggage. Barrister Babu didn't send me here. There he became lifeless not even speaking with anyone.

Kalindi: He deserve it. By the way will you tell him what I have told you? If you tell also no problem for me. But your barrister Babu will be more disheartened to find that his ex wife got married

Bihari fell on her feet and begged that he is leaving he won't come here Please forgive me and left from there immediately with heavy heart.

Kalindi smiled sheepishly and felt that now no one will come to disturb Bondita

Bondita got admission in school and Thakuma gave money to purchase what all school supplies she need and she is waiting with Bondita as security.

In middle people taunted kalindi for sending her granddaughter to school but Kalindi endured their taunts silently and told that my granddaughter is a gem please don't misunderstand her as she is going to school. Infact she is good in household works also.

One of them taunted : We heard that she tried to elope ..

Bondita tried to argue but kalindi held her hand and covered telling that : She didn't elope my granddaughter is great a goddess she will never do anything that will degrade reputation of her family . From now onwards she will start living with us you all will slowly understand her and sent them away

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