25 Their first suhagrat 🫂❣️

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Dear Readers, This chapter is having their intimacy scenes .. I am telling you in advance. You all may doubt that why ANIRUDH is hurrying for their union when he himself told her : you only love me as mother wife and friend and again other side rushing for having sex.

Because Bondita had suffered alot in these 5 years and had many scars fears and hesitations in her heart. Despite of how much he express his love in words it is still not sufficient. Still there is some unsaid distance hesitation between them . For that their physical intimacy is quite necessary at this stage. 

This union is kind of expressing his love and removing all kind of scars fears and insecurities in mind . Hope you all understand.

And Bondita is also 17 years old. So as per that 1930-40s era she is major and had crossed more than 5 years after she hit puberty..so as her body is also ready for this stage  .


Anirudh got ready in another room and came out dressed up in white kurta payjama and started arranging dining table with candles and also sprayed his scent throughout the room . Servant already arranged fire place  in the corner of the room which is making the temparature warm

Rainfall started outside alongwith cold wind making doors and windows rattle making him crazy for uniting with his Bondita and also feeling nervous inside that how it will take

He  also kept gramophone and record which he wanted to play . Everything is now ready

He then  started pacing back and forth outside bedroom where Bondita is getting ready . He started having nervous feeling that what will Bondita think about his gift .. will she agree or shout on him or start crying or will start feeling scared and shiver of him . All these thoughts are making him more nervous

Bathroom door creak  sound came . His heart beat sound is almost audible to him and feeling like sweating despite of cold weather

Inside Bondita came out of bathroom with wet hair  happily thinking of  her Patibabu words and his assurance.

He has  presented  pink saree for her .The saree color is so amazing she is so eager to wear it soon . She quickly wiped off her body

Outside Cold air  is entering through window as it's raining outside. Very few cottages are there in this area. And no one are wandering outside ..really it's lovely place and also bit scary as it seems like  they two are only there

After wearing her inners and petticoat she took out the blouse to wear and by looking it only she  opened her mouth widely realising that it's too low neck blouse and that too should be tied with lace..it's not having hooks at front side it should be tied from back .

What is this ..? Now how can she wear it and  come infront of him - her Patibabu

Just then Anirudh knocked the door which made her startled .

She asked what In worried tone

He told  if she want his help he will do it. You can ask me freely Bondita

No I don't want any help Patibabu - she told outside casually and went and  checked her luggage to take another blouse . She got another  shock and this time she gasped out loudly he hadn't packed none of the sarees she had brought from KRISHNANAGAR.

Bondita! Say something . Why are you gasping like that- he asked nervously from outside

Where are my clothes Patibabu - she came to door side and shouted from inside.

Anirudh understood her question he told : I have packed na Bondita , those all are your clothes only .. I have personally made it stitched it for you through Nila

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