20 Alziehmers disease, leaving hesitations and disgust for Patibabu

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Trilochan and Binoy are stunned to see many drastic changes in satyendra family. Grandchildren are not coming to satyendra . They both brother and sister sat in corner and weeping silently.

Satyendra tried to cheer them  up but they are scaring and crying loudly taking their mother's name.

Relatives are gossiping among themselves that dead son always used to scare of his father since  childhood.   He used to pee by seeing his father as if he is yamraj and today he literally became Yamraj only. Always used to get beatings from father for every minute thing why satyendra Zamindar is having this much anger don't know - Gossips went on like this

A family came and started blaming bad mouthing Satyendra that will he take money with him after he passed away . Is God not same to all of us. Our daughter also taken away her life as you separated them ..

With their talks it is understood that their girl is the one who loved satyendra third son.

Satyendra is unable to raise voice and his wife tried to argue but she is made quiet by that family that are you not a woman can't you understand our girl's pain ?

There came their daughter in law (first son wife). She spoke with them politely and convinced them that loss happened in both sides. Even this house  also lost its son. Please don't keep all this in mind . My husband and devar went to do final rites you also please go there.

We are not celebrating for your daughter's death but mourning for both of them equally.. please understand our situation..(glaring seriously at her in-laws she told) they are already injured almost  half dead will you hurt them more.

That family left from there. Satyendra wife Confronted her bahu for taking initiative to speak like that when she is talking. Stay in your limits

Her bahu silently went inside and brought a knife and thrown it towards satyendra wife feet among all relatives.

Latter is looking perplexed furrowing her eyebrows and bahu asked her saas to kill her because she had crossed her limits na like you killed second bahu indirectly by pressurising for continuous pregnancies and also a poor family girl for loving their son kill me also what's the big deal for you.

Her children are scared to see this and came and embraced her mother's feet and started crying. They accused that Thakuma Thakurda shouted on  chote chacha and that's why God has taken him now will you also go maa.

Satyendra wife has nothing to say and about to fall ..one of the elder relative tried to scold bahu and children for speaking like that but children also accused that their grandparents beat their maa baba chachas and Chachi whoever are at fault. We are scared of them.  We are scared that they will send us also to God and started crying.

Satyendra couldn't take anymore and bursted into tears and tried  to come to his grandchildren telling that he is not a monster but children are highly scared to come near him.

By seeing all this Trilochan collapsed in sofa and started crying. All  these 5 years he had blamed himself for giving too much lenience to Anirudh and allowed him to do whatever he want also repented for not being strict with Anirudh like satyendra being strict with his children..but now when he started witnessing satyendra children years of frustration  probably now it's getting clarity that they both Roy Chowdhary brothers are far better than Satyendra .

They gave chance and lenience to ANIRUDH to let him scream let him express his views  if not may be Anirudh will also be carrying the pain and fear and have huge burden on his heart 

But Binoy is getting disturbed with all this. He started feeling too much pressure on his mind.

Satyendra sons returned back and everyone are in pain and other side Binoy is feeling severe anguish with all this. They both started to Tulsipur in car

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