47 Remorse cold war and Happy unions

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Raja Thakur son Bipin bursted on his father that: I always respected you baba but my respect on you got vanished when you decided to marry the girl whom I loved with an elder man

I thought to tell about her after my studies  but now I can't trust you anymore. You didn't give me that chance

I will go to hostel and stay there only and manage my expenses with my hard work and once I complete my studies I will marry her and never see your face again .

If you plot anything against her or her family then I will finish myself..you know about me

Raja Thakur had nothing to say and he sat helplessly there under the tree

Niranjan made Bipin pacify and asked him to focus on his studies and that girl will also be sent to one good school. I will  make her educated and unite you both in right time

Bipin : in between this he will definitely hurt that girl's father and her family

Niranjan: he won't because he will be busy in raising Rameshwar daughter right

Anirudh: yes not only Raja Thakur but this entire village will raise this girl  . Now no more discrimination will be there in this village in between you all people because you all will become slaves to angrezi people

Everyone including Raja Thakur are shocked

One of the villager of higher caste came and asked: what are you saying ? I don't understand

Anirudh: because you all are going to lose your lands soon

Villagers: Why will we lose our lands? 

Anirudh: because Britishers are snatching away many lands which are fertile and wanted to produce their crops and make us eat their food .

Till now they are implementing it in many villages and snatching away acres of lands from many farmers..

Those who agree to produce their crops they will take an agreement and allow that person to keep the land with them as if they are doing favour and those who don't agree ..

Anirudh paused for a second and told : you all know how angrezi officers will make their work done and snatch everything from you

Till now it's Rameshwar who had found an excellent solution with his skill in farming that he is not only producing best crops but also sending water from his lake to others fields and he also proved that your village agricultural lands are best and very fertile .

You all night have  Remembered na that  he only digged the lake and that lake is useful for many farmers and especially that lake water is the main source for Raja Thakur lands ..am I right Raja Thakur ji ..

Anirudh emphasized Raja Thakur ji and glared at him seriously

Raja Thakur  looked like he was lost and defeated

Remaining all so called high caste villagers who are dependent on Rameshwar farm lands directly or indirectly looked worried

Anirudh taunted them that now as there is no best and skilled farmer in your village then there won't be best quality farming and this is enough for Britishers to snatch away everything from you ..

Wah Devipur walon! in order to maintain your so called purani paramapara you have digged your own grave by giving a loop hole to angrezi people to come and take away lands from you or stop producing the crops which you all eat . Now they will come and occupy all your lands and treat you as slaves and don't worry they won't differentiate between slaves as per the caste .. for them slave means slave only

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