38 Warrior Bondita 🔥🔥 ksj cook for his beta and Bahu

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Everyone who are passing by in that University campus are astonished to see the courage in a woman  ...a married woman,  who twisted the dangerous durjoy hand while she is recollecting her shikshak babu lessons he taught her in self defence classes and stood confidently against them .

Her shikshak babu voice is echoing in her ears : Remember Bondita ! The one who blackmail others are more weak and insecure persons. Their strength is opposite person's weakness and fear ..by getting scared will you become prey or by going against him will you become powerful..it's upto you

All these years you have lived in fear. Now you have to make fear fears of you.    The other person who challenges you is also a normal human being,  he is not 10 headed Ravan. When Ravan only can be killed why not these creepy mentality men ?

They all stopped in their tracks and soon it turned into mob gazing at them... especially her and exchanging glances murmuring to eachother that see what is happening....

some of them about to stop her while some of them stood neutral as if watching something which they couldn't imagine that would become possible in their lifetime

One among them asking her : hey what is this you are doing

Bondita: Defending myself.

Durjoy screaming: l...leave me ..aah

That student: is this how you do it....by hurting our senior sir

Bondita: your senior sir only tried to hurt me and I am opposing him

Another student: by raising your hand ?.. is this correct for a woman

She glared at him darkly and he gulped nervously. She then mocked him and such kind of students : arey wah .. you all gathered  here ..for your senior sir"s rescue. Then I am also a new admission here.  As you pointed I am  a woman but got rounded off by your senior sirs  . I am damn sure you all might have seen that  they tried to misbehave with me . At that time why did your voices didn't raise? You have went away as if nothing happened

Prabir came forward yelling : You ...woman and she gave a tight punch with her left hand forcely while catching durjoy's hand  tightly  .

Remaining two are about to come but one glare from her made them to stop in their tracks. Prabir had fallen and screamed with pain

By seeing that students who are in favour of Durjoy gang and who don't want to be  troubled by durjoy gang hurriedly left to bring  principal and faculty there

Nabhas and Mrigank tried to threaten her that she will be punished and will be thrown  out of  campus  within no time . Durjoy hand is turning into black and he is still screaming by gritting his teeth

She glared at them  and it made both of them  to step back. Students , who always remain neutral came forward and tried to advise her softly to leave him else you will get into unnecessary troubles , it won't turn good for you

She replied: That will be decided soon

Principal,  Dean Jagdish and some professors with those students came there. Bondita left durjoy  hand and stood calm and adjusted her open hair as if nothing is happened..

Everyone are shocked to see sudden change in her

Dean Jagdish asked seriously what's the matter .. he saw Durjoy and asked are you hurt

Durjoy is screaming with pain and feeling it as insulted to tell that he had been ragged by a girl

One professor asked : who did this to you ... (showing finger to Bondita he asked ) did she do this to you

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