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"𝑵𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈?"

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"𝑵𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈?"

Kaiser entered his large room as Ness greeted him.

"Kaiser you're back."

The magenta haired male said with a smile, but it soon dropped when he noticed the blonde's strange mood.

"Did something happen?"

He asked, but didn't get an answer. Kaiser collapsed on the couch while covering his eyes with his hand. A small sigh exitted his lips.

"Ness.. What do you think I did with that girl?"

Ness' blood ran cold, his eyes widen as he struggled to form a reply. "W-what did you do to her?"

Kaiser smirked and approached the shorter male. "Do you think she's still alive? I mean I did stab her 26 times in the stomach, you should've heard her sceams." He said slowly lowering his voice and adding a dark chuckle at the end.

The magenta haired male's face turned into a horrified one, his breathing became heavy as the blonde male patted his head.

"Did you really believe that? HAHAAHA!!"

He let out a sadistic laugh and grinned. "I know you helped her Ness. You gave her that video, the one recorded with a vampire camera. You betrayed me."

Ness instantly got on his knees and started apologizing. "Kaiser I'm sorry. I was just trying to get her away from you. Even since you started using her, our trails have become more obvious. If this continues someone will catch on--"

He got interrupted by Kaiser splashing a glass of champagne in his face. "You pull something like this ever again and I'll do more than just kill you."

The magenta haired male instantly nodded. He was still worried about her though. Did he really stab her 26 times? Or was that just a joke?

"Kaiser..? Is she still..?"

"Alive? Of course, she has a large bruise on her neck but that won't be enough to kill her." The blonde male replied and signaled Ness to fill his glass.

"That woman.. is very amusing to me." He smirked in satisfaction and took a sip of the expensive champagne.

Mira instantly went to the bathroom to apply something to her skin. She looked in the mirror and hissed. Geez this looks horrible, how am I suppost to cover this up??

She gently traced her finger-tips on the red mark. The ravenette applied some oilment and layed down on her bed. She stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before smirking widely.

Her whole scheme was going exactly as she planned. Getting Kaiser's blood by threatning him with a knife, getting his sympathy by faking a few tears. It was all so believable that even he fell for it.

The bruise on her neck was just a small price to pay, to finally break free from that bastard's blackmailing game. Just you wait Kaiser, I'll make you regret using me.

The next day was unfortunately a sunday. She had to go to church to not raise any suspicions. To cover up the bruise she wrapped a scarf around her neck.

Since it was the middle of October no one would question it and give her weird looks.

Ms. Miller greeted her at the door with a smile. The ravenette spoke with her for a few minutes before sitting down, alone up-front.

Her attention turned to the door openning and closing again. Hah? What's he doing here? Don't tell me I have a job to do.

She thought as Ness approached her figure. He sat down next to her, not even glancing in her direction. Once the prayer was over he blocked her path, not allowing her to leave.

Mira squinted her eyes and raised a brow. "What do you want?"

"Is your neck alright?" His sudden question caught her off guard. "What's it to you?" She answered bitterly, making the boy sigh.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have given you that video in the first place. I'm the reason you got hurt." There was a hint of guilt in his voice. Was she hearing all this correctly? Is he really apologizing?

"I'm sure you got a punishment as well."

She said making him nod, before she could react he wrapped his hands around her. The girl froze in her spot in shock. What the fuck is up with him??!?

She just stood there awkwardly while the male pulled away. He gave her a small smile and left the place. The ravenette blinked a few times, trying to process what just happened.

That wasn't normal.

She placed her hands in her pockets and let out a frustrated groan. Her car keys were gone. Damn you Ness, so that's why you hugged me.

Running out of the building she looked around trying to find him. He was nowhere to be seen.

Just as she was about to search for him outside the church grounds, someone grabbed her shoulder from behind. She closed her eyes in defeat and turned to face him.

Kaiser had a confused expression on his face. "Why are you still here? The prayer ended a few minutes ago." He said, eyes traveling to the scarf on her neck.

"Do you know where Ness is?"

She asked earning a raised brow from the blonde male. "Ness? Is he not here?"

Mira scoffed and took out her phone. "He stole my keys and ran off." She answered making Kaiser chuckle.

"So he stole your car keys and ran away?"

He kept laughing while repeating those words. "Why are you here?"

"I was going to talk with him, but seems like he has other plans." He said and looked down at the watch on his wrist. His face was serious for a few seconds, Is he lost in thought?

"Hello? What about my car?"

Her voice snapped him back to reality. "What about your car?" Kaiser said with a small smirk, he was trying to get on her nerves.

"You know what? Fuck you, I'll find him on my own."

The girl said and started walking away. The blonde male chuckled and teleported infront of her. She rolled her eyes and glared at him.

"Get outta my way."

Kaiser grabbed her wrist and started dragging her to an empty parking lot. He stopped at an expensive looking black car and let go of her.


"Get in the car."

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