Chapter 36

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At the same time...L had imprisoned Misa in a cell, she was bounded by a Stray jacket and kept on a platform where she was tied to with belts and was kept standing for all to see. Most importantly, her eyes were covered. Even though the other detectives told L that his way of holding her was inhumane, L paid no attention, even claiming that this was the least he would do, claiming it was necessary.

~In L’s hotel room, in the morning~

Watari informed L that Misa had started talking after three days of being apprehended, he took no time in sprinting into the room where he would get sounds and visuals on her, knocking things over on the way. The remaining detectives rushed into the room as well.

“I can’t take it anymore...” They heard Misa say through the video. “Please...please just kill me”. “Kill me...hurry up and kill me!”

Almost half of the detectives felt bad for her. With Mogi saying, “I guess it was too much for a young girl” and Matsuda agreeing, “She must be at her limit”.

“Ryuzaki, take this opportunity to question her” your father spoke, clearly not feeling what the other two were.

Ryuzaki replied with a nod, pressing a button and speaking into the microphone. “Amane Misa, can you hear me?”

She answered yes, still begging for death. Ryuzaki kept on interrogating, “Is this because you admit to being the second Kira?”

“No, I know anything about that! I can’t take it anymore, I’d rather die.” She snapped, “Now, hurry and kill me! You should be able to kill me immediately, right?”

Rem stared at her beloved, not wanting to believe what she was asking her to do. “Misa, do you mean...”

“Yes, kill me” She answered. To the rest it seemed like she had lost her mind and started talking to herself.

“You want me to kill you?” Rem asked, because she definitely didn’t hear Misa when she said yes kill me seconds ago

“Yes...kill me...” Misa repeated.

“If I kill you, I’ll kill Yagami Light and L/n Y/n” Rem told Misa, “This is all his-”

“No!” she cried. “No...kill me!”

Rem was pained by how much Misa would gladly sacrifice her life for those who wanted her dead.

A fed up Misa decided to bite her tongue since Rem refused to comply to her demands. (Un)Fortunately, L realised what she wanted to do, and her mouth was covered with cloth.

“Could it be that these are just actions controlled by Kira before death?” L thought out loud.

~In Light’s room~

Light was pacing around his room calmly probably thinking about what he was going to do next, while you were sprawled on Light’s (it’s pretty much your) bed thinking about whether or not you would die. Rem informed you about the conditions Misa was being held in, and with the way this is going, she might not make it out alive. If Misa and Light are going to meet her immediately. You chuckled, thinking about how the conversation in 'nothingness' would go, not seeing when Rem came into Light’s room.

“Yagami Light. I offered to help Misa escape, but she refused. She probably did it for your sake since the police think she has special powers. Out of desperation, she started to ask me to kill her. This is all because she wants you to love her, and I couldn’t kill her no matter how much she asked. There was only one way to save her from that suffering”.

“Mh, forfeiting the death note. Is that right?” Light asked to which Rem replied with a nod.

Rem explained how all memories connected to the death note would disappear as well as the murders she committed, even the fact that Light was Kira and that you knew about it. It was clear that the worse part for Rem was that Misa wouldn’t be able to see her or Ryuk anymore.

“How did you convince her to let go?” you asked, sounding too concerned for your liking, fiddling with the chain on your neck, letting the charm come into view.

“I told her that the feelings she holds for Yagami will not fade” Rem answered very agitated.

You let out a dry chuckle, “So even if you forfeit the death note...feelings still dreadful”.

Light couldn’t care less about whatever anyone was feeling at the moment. The fact that Misa no longer had memories of the death note was a weight lifted of his chest, but of course, this only caused Rem to glare at him with malicious intent.

She stretched her long arms and pointed at him, her index finger millimetres away from his nose, “If you don’t save Misa, you already know what will happen to both you and l/n”.

You jumped off the bed, clapping your hands twice and going to stand in the middle of the commotion. “Don’t worry about it...You’ll be reunited with Misa soon enough, I’ll make sure of it”. You turned to Ryuk, “You know I have pages of the death note hidden around my room. When the time comes, take everything away, I wouldn’t want to get my memory back before the time is right. That’s all”.

Ryuk turned his head in confusion, something that would only grow when Light spoke, “This is goodbye Ryuk”.

You stood in the middle of a forest, holding Misa’s death note in your hand. It took all your strength to not just tear a piece of and keep it in your pocket. You thought the same about the other note, which had already been buried.

You held your breath as you uttered the words, “I relinquish this death note” and handed the note to Rem. You shut your eyes tight, waiting for some type of other worldly feeling, just like the one you felt picking up the death note, but all you heard was the sound of Rem flying away.

Light held your shoulders, “Don’t worry, as long as you still own the other note, even if you throw away Rem’s notebook, you’ll still remember Rem”.
You opened your eyes and rubbed your face harshly using your palms as Light discussed things with Ryuk. “I barely know what Light’s planning. Well, it doesn’t matter since I’ll soon forget it all anyway. Misa doesn’t have her eyes least I know L is safe. Fuck and I’m still hiding from Mr and Mrs l/n, I wonder if I’ll feel when I’ve lost my memory”.

~In L’s hotel room~

Misa had woken up, she tried her luck once again with talking to her abductor, “Mister stalker...Hey Mister! Let’s stop this please...” she whined.

All detectives were getting fed up, why did her attitude just change?

“Hey hey, you know this is illegal, right?” Her high-pitched voice rang out of the computer, her words slurred due to fatigue almost sounding like she was intoxicated. “Oh ok, how about this? Could you at least take off my blindfold? I really want to see what you look like!”
L called Mogi from Matsuda’s phone asking him about how Misa was apprehended. Mogi did as he was asked to that day. He covered her eyes and mouth from behind and told her that she was being apprehended because she was suspected to be the second Kira. She didn’t even struggle as all of this was happening.

“-I’ll give you an autograph or shake your hand. I got it! I’ll give you a kiss on the cheek! I promise I won’t run away!”. Misa felt accomplished when she heard her stalker’s voice speak to her.

“Amane Misa. You were asking us to kill you before you fell asleep. What happened now?”

“What are you talking about? You’re the one who knocked me out and brought me here, aren’t you? You wanted to investigate me or some sketchy stuff like that”.

“Do you know why you’re here?” L asked her.

“Um...because I’m an idol? You’re the first stalker who’s ever gone this far” she murmured.

Out of everyone who was frustrated, it was a surprise that Matsuda was the one who picked up the microphone and yelled at her, causing her to almost cry. She asked to pee, and when L refused, she started calling him a pervert and throwing tantrums.

“I’m...a pervert? Y/n called me that too at To-oh...” He brushed it off, finding it unimportant at the moment. He asked Misa about you and Light.

All Misa had to say was, “Huh? How could I not know my boyfriend and best friend?”

Your dad stood up, taking the microphone in his hand, “Y/n hasn’t had friends for a long time, stop lying” he argued. Anything involving you just put him on edge.

“W-what do you know about her huh?! We even have matching necklaces!” She yelled. The detective turned to look at L, who nodded, saying it was true. He soon received a call from Light.

Misa started muttering something inaudible till she spoke aloud again, “Wait! You must be her dad! You are, aren’t you? Why did you lie to her like-“

Once again Matsuda’s demons got ahold of him, and he took the microphone telling Misa to shut up and that she had no right to butt into family matters.
I haven’t done a double in soooo longggg.
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