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Camila POV


A grimace of pain appeared on my face. I slightly open my eyes. I gently move my head left to right. After a moment I open my eyes completely. My first thought is to check Zion. "Zion?" I say in a coy voice, "are you awake?" He stays quiet.

Just as I'm trying to get out of the car, I feel my eyes slowly closing. I shake my head rapidly to keep myself awake, but it doesn't seem to help. My eyes closed, and I fell back to my seat.

When I woke up again, I felt strong arms around me. I didn't know what is happening, but I didn't freak out also. I felt safe and warm. I groaned and opened my eyes. First thing I saw was a black button-up shirt. Then I slowly raised my head to see who my rescuer is.

My vision is slightly blurry. I squinted my eyes to see better. Alejandro!

Alejandro is carrying me bridal style. The man of my dreams is carrying me. I'm living my dream right now, a little painful but still.

"Where is Zion?" I try to speak. He caresses me: "Shh, everything is going to be alright."

I feel sick thinking that my brother could be dead.

I bury my face into Al's chest to feel better and also safer. His hold on me tightens.


I woke up in a hospital. I rub my eyes, even moving my arm is painful. My whole body is sore. Then I saw that my right hand is in a bandage and my leg is in a cast. Fuck! That is not what I need right now.

Later when I came to terms with my situation I saw someone sitting in an armchair in the corner. "Who is there?" I ask that somebody who is sitting there. I couldn't see exactly who it is because it's nighttime, a little light is only on besides me. That somebody stands up and walks over to me: "I'm glad that you're alright, you scared me there, little one." Of course, it's Alejandro.

"Where is my brother? Is he alive? I need to see him right now!" I say it all quickly. He sat down on the bed and puts his hand on my leg: "He is right here in this hospital. Of course, he is alive, he's been thought worse. No you cannot see him, look at yourself!" He looks at me with pain in his eyes. Before I could say anything he says: "Kevin is with him, don't worry." He looks away showing his strong jawline. Oh, I could lay here all day long and look at him. "You like to stare, huh?" he grins. I smack my lips: "Don't bully me, I'm hurt."

"That's a lame excuse." he looks at me again. I feel my cheeks burning. He leans closer to me and places his hand on my cheek. "You're gorgeous even with scratches." I'm fascinated by his lips, I could kiss them right now.

We are both looking each other intensely. Then the nurse comes in, if she hadn't come god knows what could have happened. He backs off and looks at the nurse. "Good, you're awake. You had a good sleep, didn't you," she jokes around. "How long was I out?" I ask her. She put the tray down: "A day." She grabs a needle and comes to me. "Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?" I stop her. "Oh, I'm taking your blood to get it tested." My eyes widen: "No, no, I'm scared of the needles. Maybe you don't need it?" I started to sweat. The nurse laughs at me. Alejandro grabs my hand with both of his hands: "It's okay. I'm here." I look at him with sweet eyes.

Likewise, I closed my eyes when she started to move the needle closer to me. "Done!" she says few seconds later. I open my eyes and look at the arm, she took the blood from. "It wasn't that bad, was it?" Al asks me. I turn to look at him: "No." He smiles. "I'm a little dizzy," I rub my head. "Should I call the nurse?" Alejandro says getting back up ready to go call the nurse back. "No, no, please just be with me," I look at him with my big eyes. I move a little to make room for him. I pat on the little spot that I made him. He hesitated at first, but then he came.

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