Memory lane

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Camila's POV

"That's none of your business," I pointed my finger on my brother's chest. He analyzed me, looking carefully up and down. I tried to close my door, I don't have the energy for this shit. No energy from Alejandro fingering me or from being sleepy. From both aspects, I didn't want to talk with him.

Pushing the door he pushed the door back with his foot. "Camila, you are acting really strange." I really have to soundproof this room. "Zion," I stepped closer to him, looking deeply into his eyes, "I was hot, then opened the balcony door. Now. Leave." He looks at me, saying nothing, no movement either. He is like a statue, just standing there. I thought about closing the door again, but he actually might come at me. That man could do anything to me. Once Zion even pushed me down the stairs, of course then we lived in a small house, the stairs weren't as high as now, but still, I was a child.

"Then explain the noise," he smirked, thinking that he caught me. Boy! He's active like I'm the whore here, I know very well what kind of business he is handling, with that I mean that he is a man whore. "Exercising." Having sex is actually exercising, I googled! You can burn calories while having sex. "In the night?"

"Why do you care?" He raises his eyebrow and says: "From what heard you were-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP," I silence him before, you know very well what I mean. "Well you "I sleep around with women" what are you doing," now it's my turn to torture him. "Masturbating."

"Ew Zion!" I closed my eyes in disgust. When I opened them, he was leaned against the door frame with a big grin. "You asked," he says. "Go to sleep," now I closed the door. I stayed put until I heard his footsteps fade. I let out a long held breath finally.

Scanning the room, I tried to find Alejandro. "Zion left, where are you?" I half whispered. Nothing. The balcony's door was open, maybe he went there. The wind was gracefully moving the curtains. Even moonlight lit the whole room up – it's a clear weather. The night was so peaceful. I tiptoed quietly to the balcony. I shivered when the cold wind hit me. I was only wearing my shorts and a lace tank top.

I noticed a little paper under a rock. I raised my brow and crouched down to get it. While squatting, I read the paper.

I'll be back for you, love.
Zion will have consequences for his disturbance, I'll handle him myself tomorrow.
I'm going to miss your taste.

To be honest, I read that little letter with my mouth open. I have no words. I don't know even if my goosebumps are from this letter or from the cold, perhaps both. I folded the paper and walked back inside, I left the door open as well. I put the letter on my bedside table. Tonight, I'm going to have really sweet dreams.


The house is suspiciously quiet. Dad is probably at his headquarters, but mom usually stays at home – she doesn't really like dealing with mafias business.

Upstairs is empty, so I walked to the first floor. I don't even smell any breakfast, either. Did they plan something that I don't know about? To be sure, I can check the garage.

Praying that the cars will be there, I opened the door. Shit. Even mom's car is gone, and she barely drives! "Something is incredibly wrong," I mutter to myself.

Back in the house, knowing that something is off, I noticed something. Two dirty spatulas are beside the stove, knowing my mom is a clean freak, then this is absolutely suspicious.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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