Chapter Six

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-* Acacia *-

I woke up in an extremely uncomfortable position this morning, I was in the living room with my head underneath the coffee table, my legs on the sofa and my arms everywhere.
"ALEX!" I shouted.
"Y-you can talk?" Panicked, I attempted to sit up.
"OW! FUCKING HELL YOU LITTLE BITCH ASS COFFEE TABLE!" I cursed loudly, rubbing the spot I hit my head. I manoeuvred myself so that I was sat up cross legged on the floor. I looked up, still rubbing my head, and saw Chandler. My eyes widened and I scrambled to stand up.
"ALEX! COME HERE" I called with panic lacing my voice.
"Yeah? Oh shit.." Alex started, watt dripping everywhere.
"Care to explain my dear cousin?" I said with my arms crossed.
"Chandler just came by to pick me up for football practice. I was just in the shower. What happened to your head?!" Alex's eyes pretty much popped out of his head. I ran to a mirror. I looked at my reflection in horror as the huge bruise was rapidly forming (it's cause I'm an alien). I was about to go through the door.
" quickly?" I could only hear snippets of the convosation.
"Cant.....told you.....listen"
"Im friend....come..." I walked In and glared at the boys.
"Talking about me I see, the thing is chandler I can't tell you because I can't trust you." I scowled, I slumped back onto the sofa and felt it dip slightly next to me.
"Eh" Chandler made a notice as he sat down.
"Maybe this will change your mind" He said seductively, well he tried to sound seductive.... A for effort... Soft lips smashed onto mine, I tried to push Chandler away but he was too strong. I gathered up all if the strength that I could muster and ninja kicked him off of me, he went flying back and hit the wall. Ouch. Must have broken or bruised something.
"I'm not one if your fucking little whores Chandler, just cause I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm weak and will fall in love with you and tell you everything! Your a dick, an inconsiderate dick, go fuck yourself you little waste of space." I spat on him, sneered and walked away.

-* Chandler *-

She's not human.... she can't be..? What she said to me hurt though, so did what her foot tried to tell me aswell. I gingerly tried to stand up but instantly regretted it. I screamed out in pain and Alex ran up to me.
"Not again! Oh acacia.." Alex muttered to himself.
"Help me up, I think my ribs broken." I said through gritted teeth. Searing pain shot through my side as Alex helped me up, He put his arm around my waist to hold me up and shifted my body weight onto himself. I hissed in pain.
"I'm sorry mate but I'm calling the hospital." Alex said and carefully laid me down on the sofa. He whipped out his phone.
That was the only noise I heard as he walked out of the room.

-* Acacia *-

I walked out of the door and went to the only place I knew, The small park i always go past. I sat on the swing and swung myself back and forth. Sending a presence next to me, I swivelled my head to the stranger.
"Acacia, you can't keep doing this!"
It's just Alex.
"Can't keep doing what? Protecting myself, If I let him kiss me and pretended to be the weak little girl everyone wants me to be then thing could have escalated into much more!" I growled. Like a dog! WOOF.
"Acacia, that's not--" Alex groaned before I cut him off.
"--Yeah, it is, you all want me to be weak and pathetic!" I yelled in exasperation. I stomped off and as I pass Alex's car, I gave it a kick and walked away. That'll leave a dent. I couldn't help the smirk that was forming as I heard Alex groan in frustration.
"ACACIA" Alex screamed after me. "please.." He whimpered. as I turned the corner, I saw Alex sat on the ground with tears in his eyes. I just hurried away.

Poor Alex :(

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