Chapter Ten

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I drove out of the school grounds and watched acacia through the rearview window walk into the school like she hadn't seen Ashton break a rib. I gripped onto the steering wheel and bickered with Michael. When Mikey giggled, I couldn't help myself but rest my hand on his thigh and smile softly at him, which of course made him blush even more cause he's a like a baby kitten. I looked forward and noticed a slightly smirking ashton, I think Mikey noticed to cause his eyes widened and he blushed even more. I removed my hand as quick as it came and he raised an eyebrow. I sighed and returned my hand to the wheel.

"Okay fine, you caught us" I muttered, defeated. I watched as his smirk widened. It was an awkward silence the whole ride except for Mikeys sniffles because he has a cold and Ashton's whimpers. After another few minutes, we arrived at the hospital. I got out of the car once we parked and opened Mikeys door. Mikey and I walked to Ashton's side and tried to pull him out without hurting him more.

"Baby, find a doctor for me" Mikey flushed red a scurried away to find a doctor.

I looked back at Ashton and he was grinning at me.

"How long Cal?" He smirked

"Couple months" I shrugged with a small smile.

"How did it happen" He asked

"What is thins? An interrogation? I kissed him and we just got together after that" I sighed and leant against the car door.


"Nononononono" Mikey groaned as I did my victory dance.

"YESYESYESYESYES" I yelled in singsong.

"You cheated" Michael crossed his arms and pouted. It was possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen, he looks like an angry kitten.

"Your just jel-AH" I was cut short as I fell and landed on Mikey. We stared into each other's eyes and he flushed red, I reached out and caressed his cheek, he pulled me forward and planted his lips on mine. I kissed back after a few seconds and moved so that he was on my lap. He straddled me and wrapped his arms around my neck. We pulled away to breathe, his eyes widened and he scrambled off of me.

"I-I, w-we" He tried to force the words out but just went redder and redder than his hair. This week it was red. I chuckled and grabbed one of the boys thighs and pulled him back over to straddle me. He went tomato red as I pulled him to my face. I placed a soft kiss to his lips and he put his face in the crook of my neck.

"Little Mikey embarrassed?" I cooed teasingly and kissed his fluffy hair.

"Shtawwp" He whined into my neck. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around my little kitten and fell asleep to the vibrations if his breathing against my neck.

Flashback Over~*

"Cal?" Ashton said, waving a hand in front of my face.

"What?" I asked, I turned my head and saw a few doctors with a stretcher.

"Doctors here Cally" Mikey said shyly and moved closer to me, I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and kissed the shorter boys temple. He raced his head on my shoulder.

"Your so embarrasing" I heard him mutter under his breath.

The doctors managed to load Ashton onto the stretcher, earning a painful scream from Ashton.

"Boys, were gonna have to ask you to leave and go back to school" The doctor said. I nodded and let go of Mikey. He scrambled into the car and I chuckled at him briefly and got in myself. I backed out of the parking lot and carried on straight down the road. I sighed and Mikey looked at me.

"What did Ashton say?" Michael said quietly.

"He just asked questions but he had a good reaction. I once again put my hand on his thigh and he played with my fingers. I drove past the school and pulled up on my driveway. Mikey gripped my hand.

"What about school?" He asked.

"We are having cuddle time Mikey" I grinned.


I walked into school, pretending I didn't see anything because I'm still pissed at ashton. I headed into Maths and took my seat.

"Miss Graye?" Mrs Duncan said

"What" I sighed

"Why are you late?" She demanded.

"I was helping my friend who just broke a rib" I snapped.

"Principals office now" She yelled. I flipped her off and walked out with attitude. I walked straight past the principals office and walked out of the doors. My eyes widened as I saw Chandler walking up the steps with a slight limp. His eyes connected with mine and they widened in fear. I took a step forward to scare him and he flinched, What looks like his mother glared at me. I smirked and carried on walking.

"That's the girl mom" I heard him say as I was walking.

"Yep, I'm the girl who bruised your precious baby boys ribs" I called out without looking back. I walked past a house and saw Michael and Calum getting out of the car.

"Calum, look" Mikey pointed at me, I waved and carried on walking.

"Hey, come here a sec." Calum called. I walked over to them and leant on the car.

"Do you like Ashton still?" Calum said. I shrugged and he sighed.

"Are you going to treat him differently? Now that you know" Michael said, as quiet as a whisper.

"Nah" I shrugged again. "are we done here?" I added.

"Yes" Calum said and grabbed Michael's hand. "Come on kitten" He muttered. I walked away and skipped down the road.

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