Tea Parties and Tears

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Tea Parties and Tears

Y/n Age: 4-5( whatever kindergarten is, i had just turned 4 when I went into Kindie)

Warnings: crying kid, homophobia? 

WC: 1.4K

Y/n sulked as walked through the floors of the compound towards her mother's apartments. Her head hung low with her bag dragging behind her after her craptastic school day. She walked through the front door kicking off her shoes and leaving them at the door with her jacket and bag, heading into the kitchen.

Wanda, stirring a pot at the stove, turns around and notices you. She puts everything down and walks over, wrapping you in her arms. "Hello milaya, how was school" she says with a warm smile. Natasha comes over, hugging you, too. "Hi, Malyshka," she says with her signature warm smile while planting a soft kiss on your forehead.

Y/N replies with a low sigh, "It was okay..." Wanda lifts your chin gently and looks intently at you. "Mhm, just 'okay'? Usually, you're more cheerful," she notices. Natasha stands there with her arms wrapped around your middle, still gently hugging you from the side. "Yeah, what happened?" she asks, noticing your mood change.

When all they get is a shrug back, their concern starts to grow. Wanda gently cups your face with one hand "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Natasha tightens her embrace to give you some much-needed comfort "You can tell us anything, you know that, right?".

"It doesn't matter," the girl mutters "Can I have a snack please". Wanda seems a bit taken aback by your sudden change of topic but has decided to let it go for now. She nods and smiles softly "Of course, little one," she caresses your cheek gently before turning around to get you a small snack. Natasha gives your head a gentle pat "But you're still gonna tell us what happened later, okay?"

The (H/c) girl lets out a huff. "It's just tomorrow. All of the girls are supposed to..." Wanda stops what she's doing and looks back at you, sensing the unease in your voice. Natasha's smile vanishes "Supposed to what?" she says, her voice full of concern now as she holds you closer.

"We're supposed to bring all of our daddies in for a tea party...but Jenna Benson said that I couldn't come to school tomorrow, a-and it's not fair!"

Wanda frowns, feeling a pang of sadness in her chest. She picks up a small bowl of snacks and brings it over to you, handing it softly. Natasha's jaw tenses a bit. Her eyes flash with anger. But she keeps herself in check, not wanting to show you how angry she really is that this girl hurt you like that. "Jenna Benson said what?"

"Because I don't have a daddy, I can't come to the, um, the tea party." the child's eyes tear up as Wanda and Natasha exchange a look, their anger growing by the second. It hurts them significantly hearing you relay the words this girl has said to you. Natasha places both hands on your shoulder, crouching to be at eye level with you

"Sweetheart, you don't need a daddy to go to the tea party, okay?" Wanda kneels down beside them and takes your hand in hers, squeezing it gently "And Jenna Benson should not be saying these things to you; it's not okay"

"But it's true, why am I the only girl without a daddy?"

Natasha wraps her arm around your waist and holds you close "Detka, it's okay. Being different is a good thing," Wanda plays gently with your hair "Honey, having two mums is just as good as having a daddy, okay? It doesn't make you any less special"

"But you should've seen 'em. They laughed at me!" A hot tear ran down her face. Natasha felt her heart breaking. She pulled you in between her and Tasha, putting her arms around your waist and leaning her head against yours. Wanda's face hardened, that angry look from earlier returning as she spoke through gritted teeth, "They laughed at you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01 ⏰

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