32- JeyJey

65 20 0

People see your smile in the street
But only you know how hard is keep it and don't let tears appear
They see you walking, running, riding
But they don't know about those days that you don't wanna even get up on your bed
They see pictures in family, all happy
But no one but you knows what really happens
They hear you
But they don't listen you
They say they're there for you always you need
But they judge you.
So you keep it all to yourself
You keep it all and more
And there's a point when you just can't talk about it
Can't talk about the problems
You become like a mirror.
You shows just the surface
Not what you're feeling.
You just show what they wanna see
And you keep broken
Hurting yourself with the glass of that broken mirror.

Poemas da LuaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora