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Sheldon Cooper was sitting in his seat with a box of Chinese in his hands, Penny, Raj, Howard, Amy, Bernadette, and Leonard sitting around them. Leonard's phone, which was on the black counter top in the small kitchen, started to buzz. Sheldon's head snapped towards the small object, "Leonard, your phone is buzzing."


Leonard's eyes flickered from the television to Sheldon before back to the screen. Sheldon stared incredulously at his roommate, "Are you going to get it?"

Leonard sighed before aggressively placing his Chinese box on the coffee table and getting up, "I don't recognise the number," he said before placing the phone back down.

The moment he sat back down his phone started buzzing again, "Leonard, are you going to get that?"

"I don't recognise the number, Sheldon," he sighed as he picked his food back up.

"It's infuriating, answer it," Sheldon snapped, still not looking away from the television.

Leonard stood again and walked to his phone, finally picking it up, much to Sheldon's relief, "Hello?"

He paused as the person on the other side spoke, "Who is it?"

"Sheldon-","Leonard snapped, "Yes, who's asking?"

Howard leaned over to Bernadette, "I wonder if he's finally got himself a booty call," Bernadette glared at him and hit his chest.

Suddenly Leonard was pulling the phone away from him and turning to Sheldon, "Sheldon, do you think you can go to lunch with Ivy Beauregard next Saturday?"

"Ivy Beauregard?"

Leonard nodded, "Yeah. Can you?"

Sheldon shook his head softly before saying, "Yes, next Saturday is fine."

Leonard relayed his message before hanging up, "Who's Ivy Beauregard?"

"An old friend," Sheldon said as he stood up.

"You had friends? With your sparkling personality?"

Sheldon glared at Howard, "Yes, I had many friends as a child. Ivy Beauregard is one I haven't seen in years," with that he walked off to his room.

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