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Ivy Grace sat at a table, books open in front of her as she read and wrote notes in the local library. "That's my spot," a little voice said to her left.

Ivy glanced at the kid, a plaid button up shirt with a bow tie and a light cargo coloured jacket. Ivy scanned him up and down, he had tan dress pants and loafers, "I don't see a name on it."

The little boy huffed before stomping off. Ivy turned back to her books, shaking off her hand before beginning to write again. Three swift taps to her shoulder made her throw her pencil down and turn around, "My brother says you took his spot," a teenager stood behind Ivy's chair. 

He had clear tan skin with a dark brown mullet and blue eyes, he looked around Ivy's age, fifteen. Behind him was the little boy from earlier, she glanced past the older boy, "What was your name, sweet pea? Didn't quite catch it."

The little boy gulped before saying, "Sheldon Cooper, and your in my spot."

Ivy looked at the older boy expectantly, "Georgie," he answered.

"Ivy Grace. Now, I would've moved if he asked nicely but since he didn't he's out of luck. I sat here first and now he can find somewhere else to sit. If this is how you treat new people I think I might just have to move again."

Georgie continued to talk, "He's a little boy-".

She rolled her eyes and shut her books sharply before shoving them in her bag, and standing up, "He can have his precious spot back. I'll go study at home where there is peace and quiet," she hissed.

"Hold on a minute-," Georgie called after her but she was already halfway out the door.

Suddenly a woman stood in front of Ivy, glaring at the two boys, "I'm so sorry for whatever trouble these two may have caused you," Sheldon sat down in Ivy's previously occupied chair, "Sheldon Lee Cooper, get up right now! It's a shame that this is your first impression, why don't you come over for dinner tonight-."

"Mom," Georgie and Sheldon whined.

The woman paid them no mind, "As an apology?"

Ivy quickly grabbed a piece of paper sticking out from her bag and her pencil that was in the side pocket, she scribbled down numbers, "I'm sorry," she stopped when she realised she didn't know the woman's name.

"Mary Cooper," Mary supplied with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Cooper, I have plans tonight. However I'd love to take up your offer at a different time, here's my home number. If you could call between two and ten I'll be sure to answer," Ivy said with a smile.

Mary took the paper, stunned. Ivy waved and walked out of the library.

A day later Ivy was walking up to the school, it was Monday, in the middle of the semester. She bit the urge to fiddle with her fingers as she walked through the halls. She was suddenly stopped by a girl with long, curly, blonde hair and sparkling brown eyes that screamed mischief, "You must be the new girl, Veronica Duncan", she said, sticking her hand out.

"Ivy Grace Beauregard", Ivy muttered, "Uhm, do you know how to get to the principal's office?"

Veronica nodded and hooked her arm through Ivy's, "You 'n I, we're gonna be great friends".

Ivy nodded meekly but moved to keep up the pace, "What class do you have first period?"

"Art, let me look at your schedule", Veronica snatched it out of Ivy's hand and scanned it, "We have P.E. and Home Economics together, other than that you're on your own, kid. Here we are".

She knew she had a long day ahead of her.

"How was school?"

Ivy's mother's voice rang out through the house, "Good, I made a friend, her names Veronica Duncan", she said as she walked through the boxes towards her parent's room, "What're you all dressed up for?"

"One of our new neighbours invited us over for dinner.  Daddy's off workin' tonight, so it's just us. Go get dress, little lady".

Ivy's mother looked similar to her, down to the heart shaped lips, and defined cupid's bow. Ivy had her father's tan complexion, unlike her mother who was pale with freckles littering her face. But the two had the same almond shaped, bright green eyes and butterscotch colour hair that waved. Ivy's mother's hair was cut at her collarbone, while Ivy's hung to her waist, "Who invited us?"

"Mary Cooper".

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